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Thank you Danny Williams

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Posted (edited)

Danny Williams is an egocentric maniac who uses tax payer money to streetfight Ottawa, propagandizing the interest of provincial-federal relations into it's either us or them. Those who share a different voice than him have no other choice but to quit his parliament and/or his province.

[color:purple]YAY DANNY WILLIAMS!

Edited by Guest
Danny Williams Stephen Harper is an egocentric maniac who uses tax payer money to perpetuate his secret agendas in Ottawa, propagandizing the interest of provincial-federal relations into it's either us or them. Those who share a different voice than him have no other choice but to quit his parliament and/or his province.

[color:purple]YAY DANNY WILLIAMS Stephen Harper!

Posted (edited)

Danny Williams doesn't take a salary.

I may not agree with every thing he may say or stand for, but I do like the way he sticks up for NFLD, especially now that they they are no longer a have-not province. He stands up for his principles.

Edited by Guest
Danny Williams Stephen Harper is an egocentric maniac who uses tax payer money to perpetuate his secret agendas in Ottawa' date=' propagandizing the interest of provincial-federal relations into it's either us or them. Those who share a different voice than him have no other choice but to quit his parliament and/or his province.

[color:purple']YAY DANNY WILLIAMS Stephen Harper!

Thank you Schwa. That was precisely the same thing I wanted to highlight. Perfect!!!

Danny Williams Stephen Harper is an egocentric maniac who uses tax payer money to perpetuate his secret agendas in Ottawa' date=' propagandizing the interest of provincial-federal relations into it's either us or them. Those who share a different voice than him have no other choice but to quit his parliament and/or his province.

[color:purple']YAY DANNY WILLIAMS Stephen Harper!

Thank you Schwa. That was precisely the same thing I wanted to highlight. Perfect!!!

Way to go dudes! You guys, Jack Layton and Stephane Dion should register 'All we know is Harper's got a secret agenda' club as a third party and help out the already cash-strapped Liberal party promote the message on tax payer coin!

Do ya not think the Cons have more divested interest in remaining electable for more than four years? There is no 'secret agenda'. Talk about a culture of fear!


are you saying he doesn't have one? breaking his own laws and election promises? think we can trust him to bring troops home in 2011 when he can't even hold to his own set election date rule?

instead of this, let's try a different approach. tell me what Harper has done that is good for Canada and the common family.


Do ya not think the Cons have more divested interest in remaining electable for more than four years? There is no 'secret agenda'. Talk about a culture of fear!

Harper's "non-secret" agenda is scary enough and will do more than enough harm to the country long-term. Unfortunately the general public is too stupid to get that. Elizabeth May might not have said that exactly, but the statement is correct IMHO. Anything to get people to not vote Conservative is a good thing, even creating a culture of fear.


instead of this, let's try a different approach. tell me what Harper has done that is good for Canada and the common family.

dude - He wears blue sweaters, as well as playing cards and going to movies with his kids. Isn't that enough? What else do you want in a PM?


Though there are many reasons to want Harper out of office, all I need is one:

The guy eliminated the daily scrum when he was elected in favour of a weekly scrum where the only questions allowed are those supplied by the PM office. Is taking away the ability for the press to question policy a benefit to Canadians or a benefit to the Harper government? Obviously the latter, and I believe that is indicative of his entire leadership.

He's not leading a country, he's playing a game, and that game has cost us a lot of money, among other detriments.


i thought that the reporters asking the questions had to be pre-approved, not the actual question being asked.

either way i don't like it, but there's a big gap between the two. i would like to know which is right. or maybe both have been right at different times.


I don't get the 'ooooooh, he broke a promise' thing. This government surely isn't the first or the last to break an election promise. Fack, so many have been broken over the years, I half-ass expect it.

Did you watch the news last night and see what happened on Wall street yesterday? The Dow Jones fell 450 points. HUGE. Banks and big business were royally screwed over with a number falling into bankruptcy and the rest scrambling to put together last-minute mergers in order to stay alive for another day. This equates to job loss on a majorly major scale. Yet Harper's government is deemed evil and friends of the boardroom for granting and promoting corporate tax cuts. I'm all for the little guy, but the reality is, big business employs a shitload of Canadians. Do we really want to promote corporate flight to more business-friendly economies outside of Canada, or do we want to keep Canadians employed? Jack Layton seems to think banks and business don't need our help. Obviously he didn't watch the stocks yesterday, or perhaps spoke too soon.

He has and is doing what he can to protect our jobs.

HA! Can't take that blanket statement with a straight face. If Stevie gets his majority I can guarantee you there will be huge cuts where I work (the opposition and public are the only things that have stopped him so far).

That's the CBC btw.

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