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Acquisition addiction


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Acquistion addiction (and other tales of online gluttony)

I read a great quote online the other day over at sharinthegroove that basically said something to the effect of I now not only have a music addiction but a music acquistion addiction as well. I don't know if I have an addiction but I am aware of my gluttony. And not just music (although there's tons of that)I snag T.V shows , movies, even comics off bit torrent sites now.

I download daily. Everyday, something new shows up on my computer. So I ask myself why? Part of me says that it's because this always won't be this way, that someday they (yes, they) will indeed take it all away, turn off the taps, cut us off. But that's not why. It's because I like new things. I like having seen or read or listened to something that some hasn't. The music I listen to gets appreciated no doubt. But having downloaded 100 CD's in the last six weeks alone, I am aware that I may never touch some of those discs again.

But I can't stop. Not while that Tom Waits show from '77 or this new to me band called My Morning Jacket or some stupid show called Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Once Upon a Time in Mexico or the entire run of Miracleman or the entire Neil Young catalogue exist out there, just for me to acquire.

So why the guilt? And why tell you people? Am I wrong? Am I doomed?

Am I alone?

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over at a friend's place I joked we should have a Canadian reality tv show called "Show Junkies" based in the living rooms of people who have the inevitable spindles of fresh disks sitting all over the house... this came up after listening to a 45 minute discussion of what shows they have recently or are soon to acquire

myself I go in binges... the weekends tend to drag me away from the computer and I don't get back on track until about wednesday (hmmm... wonder whats happening on Further...)

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Yikes! This is very familiar territory....I too am a hopeless addict always looking for the next

"score" (when I get home it's the Wes Montgomery and Mingus shows off of STGRoove!!!)

I was told once what I'm doing is a form of compulsive behaviour! No way, I don't wanna be mixed in with those soap-freaks always washing their hands!! Say it ain't so....

I tell myself that it's the "thrill of the kill" as well as actually listening to the music that motivates(??) me...

Anyway...I'm not changing until the white-coats

show up....

Shamelessly addicted ....Norm (B&Z)

D/L D/L D/L...ad infinitum.......

(I'm always surprised by musicians who aren't obsessed...how can you not be excited by all the music out there?...bizarre)

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i only download shows...music...

i have 120 gigs of hd space....only 2.2 gigs TOTAL free...

second, when i burn a show, if i dont put it in the car, i dont listen to it again....

SO, i dont burn nearly everything i download....usually a few good listen to's....and thats it...it gets deleted....

no harm, no foul.

i'm going to cry the blues when our isp's implement a download cap.

i had my isp call me about four months ago asking why i was averaging 50 gigs down/ and 15-20 gigs up a month?????

didn't take long to explain what i was doing, and they actually commended me for "keeping it real"...

since SharingtheGroove jazz channel opened, i've been fully addicted....

I've grabbed at least 10 shows in under five days...











and thats just off the top of my head, in under five days.....FUGGIN RIGHT!!!!!!

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What's that line from the start of "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson, after they inventory their drug collection...


Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.

I think the same thing is at work here, with either MAS (Music Acquisition Syndrome), GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) or AAS (Amp Acquisition Syndrome). You don't keep acquiring because you need to, but because you can, and because you think that if you don't acquire this or that, then somehow you're losing something.



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You aren't alone, my friend.

I've got serious downloading problems... and secondtube with his jazz forum hasn't helped matters! I am firmly of the belief that this is the golden age of downloading music. There is no way that this will last forever, so let's enjoy it while we can.

I also have the luxury of putting on my headphones most of the work day... so why not listen to a new show (or two) every day?!

Last night, for example, I started 3 JGB bit torrents and 1 Chick Korea. Will these ever make it across my desk? I guess a maybe is good enough...

... and I've still only listened to half of summer tour [Frown]

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Has anyone fallen under the imposed download caps yet?

I know it's just a matter of time before Rogers imposes a keep. Currently I download at least 30gb a month, just from the newsgroups, then there is still the music I get from STG to add to that... Man that's too much. LOL

Who's got my heady spindles? I was getting spindles of 100 HP Blues, which are TY and equivalent to Fuji. But I believe Sonnam is all out of them... Now what to get?

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hehe....I call it "accumulitis"....I know many a Head who barely has a chance to listen to the shows they get, they get so many....

I harken back to the days when I had 10 Dead tapes for about a year and a half, I listened to them non-stop, never got bored. I really think you need to listen to a show MANY times to get the essence of it, my point? not sure.

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My name is Del, and I'm addicted to music... Downloading and trades take up a lot of my time, but I do try to listen to everything at least once. So I look at it like I'm exposing myself to new bands, and acquiring more of the stuff I love. If that's wrong somehow, oh well, so be it. There are definately worse vices out there, and since you end up with something afterwards (CDs, as opposed to a hangover or a cloud of smoke), I think of it as a collection. Not a bad way to spend my money. But it definately is a worse addiction than crack, at least in terms of my need to feed it...

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"I really think you need to listen to a show MANY times to get the essence of it, my point? not sure."

Yeah, this is the same guy that thinks 05-08-77 is the best show ever..............

[Roll Eyes]

Listen you punk-asses. I remember back when you had to trade tapes (yeah, tapes. If you dont know, dont ask) via Snail Mail (ever heard of a Post Office). The only way you connected with anyone was through the Want Ads of Relix. In '93, I was AMAZED I got the summer show in Buffalo less than 2 months after it happened. Not only that, it took over 90 minutes to cop a tape! Well, sometimes less if there were less than 90 minutes on said tape. You kids have it too easy these days................

(Seriously though, I am trying to add some humour and not disrespect anyone)


I have had it for so long, I forgot I had it.

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"accumulitis" HAHAHA Doc.Hux has made his prognosis....thanks for giving it a name..

Ya..."internalizing: the music is so important....you start off with a handful of boots that you get to know intimately...every note stays with you forever...you'll never forget it...(Jimi Hendrix-Royal Albert Hall 2-24-69, Ottawa '3-19-68 etc...)

I have some cool books on all this, cognition-psycho-acoustics etc...really fascinating how we process it all...

"Psychology of Music" Carl E. Seashore

"Music, The Brain, And Ecstacy" Robert Jourdain

(not the crap drug)

Here's an interesting angle.....I'm sure my own "hoarding" comes from the fact that I have perfect pitch...it use to kill me to miss a piece of music...I'd hear chord progressions that I'd want to analyze more closely and it just made sense to tape them all so I could refer back...

...and then it took over my life...sob sob...!

Perfect pitch is an awesome gift...I can figure out the chords to songs w/o the guitar..recognize what key instantly as well as know who's playing after hearing a note or two!

Anyway...they say that area in the brain of a perfect pitch person is way larger than someone w/o pp......therefore it justifies my "ACCUMULITUS"

I'm convinced that another area of my brain must be highly deficiant to make up for this!!!!!!!!!!!

ahh....the power of the (music) interval....

Enjoying my new white Fender Strat! (yes-GAS)

Guitar-Accumulation-Syndrome is another.....


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Listen you punk-asses. I remember back when you had to trade tapes (yeah, tapes. If you dont know, dont ask) via Snail Mail (ever heard of a Post Office). The only way you connected with anyone was through the Want Ads of Relix. In '93, I was AMAZED I got the summer show in Buffalo less than 2 months after it happened. Not only that, it took over 90 minutes to cop a tape! Well, sometimes less if there were less than 90 minutes on said tape. You kids have it too easy these days................

Ya! Those were the days.....waitng for that"hot"

overseas shipment to arrive, rushing home to the mailbox...I remember buying my first 5 Hendrix boots from a little ad in the back of Rolling Stone ..they were over $100 and the worst quality and shit-quality tapes ever....yet it was magic!

"Lu-Lu's Records" po.boxRIPOFF in North Carolina..

They were eventually busted in that big famous "clean-up" in '79 along the Eastern US...

Take me backl! N

Then later on getting the low-gen sources was like getting a whole new show!

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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

I really think you need to listen to a show MANY times to get the essence of it, my point? not sure.

I find that this statement is more often true of regular albums. Frequently, albums that I love right away don't get listened to for a very long time, but ones that I have to "work" at "geting" or understanding often become long-term faves.

There have been some real "sleeper" shows in my life, though. You've had them in the collection for a while, and one day, you suddenly say, "Holy shit - this is awesome!" Maybe you hear something you didn't hear before, or maybe you're in a different mood or different headspace,but whatever the reason, you suddenly "get" it. It's always a great feeling...

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Allman Brothers Band


Bonnaroo Festival, Manchester, TN

Source: (FOB, DFC, XY) Neumann AK50 > LC3 > KM100 > V3 > D8 @ 48k

Disc 1:

1.Ain't Wastin' Time No More

2.Statesboro Blues

3.Woman Across The River

4.No One To Run With

5.The High Cost Of Low Living

6.Rocking Horse


8.Midnight Rider

Disc 2:


2.Instramental Illness


4.One Way Out

5.Whipping Post


E-mail me if you want it...

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