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Good vibes?


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I have a question for y'all. People often post asking for "good vibes" for one reason or another. What's involved in sending someone "good vibes"? Do I have to do anything, like imagine the person obtaining what they desire, or is it more like supporting the troops, ie by saying I'm sending good vibes they are automatically sent? Or perhaps I'm completely missing the point.

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playing and singing Good Vibrations might work if you're sending vibes in person

if it's a reply on this message board, I believe it's mandatory to write vibes surrounded by paranthesis >>> (((((vibes))))) <<< I think they mean hugs, but I'm not sure

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"A German sewage plant has unveiled a new scheme to speed up the sewage process - by playing Mozart to their microbes," Orange News U.K. reports. "Officials believe the composer's music helps to stimulate activity among the tiny organisms that break down waste, the Markische Allgemeine newspaper said. It is hoped that Mozart's soothing symphonies and operas will drive down energy costs at the waste-treatment facility in Treuenbrietzen, southwest of Berlin. Classics such as The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro are being piped in around the clock, via a series of speakers designed to replicate the acoustics of a concert hall. The scheme was developed by scientists at German firm Mundus who say microbes are particularly partial to harmonies and rhythms."

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When someone requests good vibes here, it initiates a CRON JOB on the server (a little program) that monitors the amount of responses with "GOOD VIBES" and "{{{ }}}".

Every time the program detects a new post and validates the 'good vibe', it increments the vibe value by +1. Eventually, the total gets plugged into the following equation:



N = the total power output of good vibes


R* = the average rate of good vibes added to the request

fp = the fraction of those good vibes that have sincerity

ne = the average number of good vibes that can potentially have been copy and pasted from other vibes posts

fâ„“ = the fraction of the above that have actually been involved in successful good vibe results in the past

fi = the fraction of the above that actually provided instant positive results

fc = the fraction of good vibes givers that have collected good vibes for their own needs

L = the length of time it took to benefit from good vibes

Then of course N (the result) gets beamed out using the latest streaming technology to the vibe requester using peer-to-peer vibe networking, sorta like bit torrents.

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