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Trey's at the Lion's Den tonight...


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He was there, he played the first 2 songs of Jennifer Hartswick's band's second set (ended up being quite long), and hilarliously, he had to borrow an instrument cable and a pick from Dave!! I took a picture of him with a girl we met last night, I'll see if I can get it from her, Pablo and Gentlemonkey are in the picture for sure. Word travels fast, that bar was absolutely, ridiculously jam packed last night and people went ballistic when he came out. He was cool, we all said hi backstage and he hung around for a little bit after he played. Gotta run, we're driving up to the moe. show in Portland!

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Oh yeah, the first song they played was Night Speaks to a Woman, i forget the second one. There was a hilarious moment that gentlemonkey witnessed when Trey turned around and rolled everything on the in-house Fender Twin up to 10!! When he came offstage, he was like "I wasn't too loud was I?? Sometimes I'm too loud.....".

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