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Happy Birthday Ms. freak


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Happy B-Day!!


May God bless and keep you always,

May your wishes all come true,

May you always do for others

And let others do for you.

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,

May you grow up to be true,

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you.

May you always be courageous,

Stand upright and be strong,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,

May your feet always be swift,

May you have a strong foundation

When the winds of changes shift.

May your heart always be joyful,

May your song always be sung,

May you stay forever young,

Forever young, forever young,

May you stay forever young.

[big Grin]

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Happy birthday earthfreak!!! [smile]

Hope you got your work out of the way so you can get out and enjoy this beauty day! Its a nice day in the Patch. Have a great trip home if I don't see ya before then (which is likely cause i still have 10 pages to crank out). Cya in the new year.

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game plan is - hand in this freakin term paper (finally [Eek!] ) and spend the rest of the afternoon trying to finish this g.i.s. work i have to get done.

toronto is not looking too promising, that's for sure. but as soon as i'm oughtta this joint i'm lookin to party like it's my birthday - that's for sure!

sorry i had to bail last minute on the eat-a-thon last night, didn't realise the time til 4 and i still had WAY too much to do. hope bellies were burstin!

anything happnin in the peterpatch tonight? maybe we should stumble over to the pigs ear this afternoon.

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% The tank comes to rest in the middle of a road. Ned and the Flanders clan have to brake suddenly to avoid hitting it.

Maude: Oh, Neddy, you almost hit that coffin!

[the family gets out of the car]

Ned: [gasps] Leaping Lazarus! Is this what passes for eternal rest these days? Rod, go get daddy his burying shovel.

Rod: Yay! [runs to the car]

[a little later, the family has buried the tank]

Todd: You sure buried him deep, Daddy.

Ned: Not so deep the Lord can't find him -- and judge him.

Rod: This is the best birthday I ever had.

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calling all friends of earthfreak in her general vacinity, some one get over there and buy the young lady a drink (or 15)

i'm ready to crack that bottle of red wine as soon as you get back, then we'll have a few Guiness, some coffee with Bailey's, a few shots of Jaeger, more wine, a couple sniffers of brandy, then we'll crawl to the pig's ear for pitchers of cheap draft [Razz] that should leave you feeling fine for your flight home tomorrow [Roll Eyes]

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hokey jumpins what a productive day i've had

just finished it off with a trip to the good ol' lcbo [Wink] school work's done oh happy day

that's right

party's startin [big Grin][big Grin]

dont know what the plan is from here, see where the first bottle of wine takes me [Cool] downtown you folks up for doin somn tonight? perhaps the pigs ear is in order...

Booche - that's really weird you posted that - I actually witnessed a dude get hit by a car today [Frown] drive safe everybody, that was a scary and sad sight.

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