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A BIG N.Y.E. THANK - YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well, well, well.

Quite a holiday fiasco if I may say so, finally ending in a place called Port Dover.

The Port Dover experience began with 3 car loads of Chathamites pulling into a gas station asking the patron where the Erie Beach Motel was. To our amazement or lack of adequate intelligence, he pointed across the street. The picturesque cottage town motel was a perfect setting to begin a New years eve celebration.

After unloading the 10 Chathamites and enough booze to supply the entire town of Port Dover, alcoholic intake increased to a level only a select few outside of Chatham could relate to. [Wink] Between the 3 cases of Beer, Half of a Texas mickey and various other bottles of various shapes and sizes, the debauchery had begun.

The time came for the caravan to make its way to the show. After a short detour to the wrong bar, we were quickly pointed in the right direction by what looked to be some Port Doverinians. I lead the string of 10 into the bar recieving a warm welcome from Ryan, only to be greeted by the huge grin of the curly haired fellow, Schwa. How you knew who I was, I still don't know, maybe it was the string of ten.

Details may now begin to be sporadic, but I was introduced to much of the KW crew, via Schwa, (palace,pink,Ques',thorgnor) with open arms, great people, was glad to finally meet you all. Straight to the bar for a shot of something, and a couple of white russians. Played a game of pool, ate some chicken wings, had a couple more white russians and another mystery shot and then ate something else(*).

Onto the dance floor to catch the majority of Mark Wilson and the way it was, which if I may say put on a killer show, I was drawn to the front of the stage where I stayed all night. Next thing I know I'm dancing to Diesel Dog, I don't even recall a change over by the bands, but it must have happened. To me, it seemed like DD played like two tunes and suddenly the show was over, kind of explains the state of mind I was in. I do remember going outside of the bar to make a phone call to catch my lady on the two hour difference of a New Year in Calgary, mean while getting harassed by the OPP, ya the lady loved hearing that over the phone, "who you talking to" "the police", all was well and I returned to the bar. After asking around, I found out where the party was at. Off to the Hotel to regroup and reload.

Don't remember the walk to the Hotel, but remeber grabbing a bunch of beer and then suddenly I was waiting outside of this house standing beside Ques' and Thorgnor contemplating going in the back way. I'm still amazed at myself at being able to navigate to the party, I don't even know who gave me directions. The party finally arrived in the form of the houses resident and everyone proceeded into the party. I happened to grab a seat next to the stereo and that is the party job I accepted. Volume up Volume down, cd's won't play onto tapes, etc, etc. I do recall getting up and wandering at one point and running into a dude named Red. Good guy, I think it was his place.

This next part is rather shady.

Next thing I know, I'm back in the hotel getting more booze, then some muddy character came to take us to the beach, then all of the sudden it was daylight and I was standing on the peir under the lighthouse asking my buddy when the sun came up. Then I was standing under some memorial over looking Port D with Mud, Backbacon, Studog, TeeSee and Miz getting our Photo's taken (these I have to see, just to see what state I was really in) Next thing I know I'm back in a different hotel, playing a drum at what seemed to be too early to be playing a drum in a Hotel. Finally it was ten in the morning and almost time to check out of the hotel, round up the Chathamites and make way for Chatham.

All in all, it ended up being the best New Years I've had in a while, cloudy as you can see, but memorable. To anyone that I met and have forgotten, this might explain why, although Esau, I do remember meeting you, I just can't put my finger on it, maybe it was here (*).

Thats my adventure and I'm sticking to it, Stu, can't wait for some of these photo's.


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I sat in from Jungle Boogie on and loved every minute of it. How did you remember all of that Doug?? Just checked out the pics above (click on the picture for more). Awesome shot of Doug, studog. And some great shots of Dover, keep it comin' (and anyone else that had a camera, get out yer pics!)

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Originally posted by c-towns:

Played a game of pool, ate some chicken wings, had a couple more white russians and another mystery shot and then ate something else(*).

although Esau, I do remember meeting you, I just can't put my finger on it, maybe it was here (*).



Good to finally meet ya,although I am rather foggy about some details,I know I had some "eats" with me..but not sure on which it was...lol

Happy new year brother.

Most details are rather foggy...except right at midnight...where I was at that point was really all I could/or wanted see at that point.Its cool when you lose track of everything around you except one person..... [big Grin]-

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"Yeah me too!"

nice pics, lmp...

the 'shirt' people:


Funny - I got the shirt people together for a picture at one point in the night... Mud was taking the pic and told me to get in it. standing at the edge of them, the one old guy jammed his fingers into my ribs to get me out of the shot... c'mon, man, this picture would not even be happening if I didn't organize it! What a JOIK! I'm walking away sad-like in the picture. [Frown]

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The "shirt people" are old local hipsters and sometimes they get confused with what's really going on (especially on NYE when the tables is loaded with beer bottles!). If you drive east along the lake a bit there is a small hamlet called Nanticoke (pop. 200 if that) and that's where they are from. All pretty cool folks and if things get sketchy, I've found that hoisting your glass in the air and yelling the word SOCIABLE works good.

I think they were all Polar Bear dipping

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Little Miss Pink that Lady in your photos so fondly called the "coug" was playing volleyball with Tonin and i

at Izzy's .I thought she might be there because she was dancing to D.D. at Izzy's and said she really enjoyed them.Kinda wierd to see her photo i'll have to admit. [Wink]

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