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how to beat the winter blues


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We went to St Jovite this past weekend, and here is what a friend of mine thought, once he had heard we were there:

St Jovite?!?!??! I used to go there as a kid. Did you, by any chance, stumble across the Falcon Blue? It is a strip joint that is literally two

trailers sandwiched together. I have such fond memories of being 16 years old, sucking back a Laurentide and watching the 200+ pound stripper (with one tooth missing) do her thing ... I was convinced life could not get any better.

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1. Spend your lunch hour playing some outdoor shinny with your co-workers.

2. Then spend the afternoon ripping into aforementioned co-workers about their lackluster skating and stick-handling skills.

At least it's working for me today...

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man i posted this alredy but it didnt go up,, this friggin sites wonky as hell lately


ive been getting thru one of the worst winters of my life this year by thinking about lawn chairs.

lawn chairs,, coolers filled with frosty beers, watching shows in the sun at an outdoor festivals, walking around town in shorts after midnight, taking naps outside, and of course,, girls in their summer dresses [Wink]

ooh la la

those are a few things that are gettin me thru this damn winter.

drugs help too

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ST. John's Wort...and if that doesn't work add in some Reishi mushroom (but that is kinda expensive) GO OUTSIDE...put on as many woolys as you can and just go walk and jump and play in the snow and the sun...must have sun.

I'm with tooly on the daydreamin part (although, not about girls in summer dresses) I think about summer at least once a day and imagine i am at my favourite places....mmmmmmmmmmmm summer.

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my advice is this.. smile... I once stood on a dance floor with no one I knew and started to think... Is there something wrong with me being out here by myself dancing?? I don't know these people?? What am I doing here?? then I looked at my beads with big smiley faces on them and smiled, and when I did, I thought I can't think of this negative shit, I am too busy smiling. and I looked around at all of the strange people around me with a smile, and they smiled back.. and thus, I was never alone in the first place!

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wow that sounded really good number 2. i think what i have to do i get over whats causing all the sadness and go from there. i need to make some goals to make my self happy and thne i need to work on them.. right now myu bigest foe is a broken heart and a bad case of lazyness

i'm sure in time i will pass, i just need to try and souround my self with friends.. now, all i need is some friends

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smiling really does work. sometimes when i feel crappy, i just start smiling at nothing, and i probably look silly so that kinda makes it funny and then i smile more... it is a good little cycle.

getting outside is good too - i find that sitting in my place gets me down if i'm here by myself too long, damn cold weather!!

and -one of my favourites - watching most extreme challenge on spike tv!!! tonight after doing my schoolwork i vegged on my beanbag chair and watched that for about 40 minutes, just howling in the middle of my living room by myself. it was good times.

make goals too. having something to look forward to helps.

call a buddy who makes you laugh.

watch caddyshack.

go tanning (i know it's bad but it feels so nice!)

do a kickboxing class.

listen to bob marley.

good luck with that buddy!! everything will be O-K.


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Jared: Try accomplishing something. (That isn't meant to be as sarcastic as it sounds...read on...) Set a small goal, something that can be done in an hour or two: clean up a room, write a letter to a relative you haven't talked to in a while, shovel the driveway of a elderly neighbour, make somebody a present, whatever. It should be something that's not enjoyable in and of itself, but, when complete, makes the world at least a slightly better place.

Then, once you've accomplished the task, reward yourself. If it were summer, I'd say go get an ice cream cone. If you like coffee, indulge in a really heavy-duty thing, with whipped cream and everything else. Whatever, just do something that you'll enjoy and which is entirely for your pleasure.

Also, stay in (physical, ideally) contact with people, even if it's just you and one other friend having a coffee or sitting around and talking. Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased.



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If you cant get enuff sunlight try and hang out in a greenhouse (or greenroom) the lower light levels really do a # on your body. As for the broken Heart I would like you to know that I am out there with you bro. Just so you know Others are going through it too

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