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solutions for "i can't effin sleeeeep!"


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why is it on the nights when you need it most, that bastard the sandman is nowhere to be found???

does anybody have any special fixes for this ?(i mean real ones, not like gravols or nytols those are too crazy).

tonight it is too late for me... but maybe for next time.


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Originally posted by \/\/illy:

the stresses of life taint my dreams in such a way that I awake horrified.

dude...i'd get on someone's couch real soon. [Wink]

meggooooooo: dope works for me. i mean, yeah, you wake up with the taste of dog shit in your mouth, but thats nothin a little mouthwash wont get rid of...what are you sayin this weekend?

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Pot works for me as well. Although I can't fall asleep immediately upon smoking it. Smoke it about an hour or so before you want to fall asleep.

Also, warm milk sounds old fashioned but it really does the trick. Drink it while reading a very boring book. Your eyes will get sleepier and sleepier.......

Oh and sex puts most people to sleep afterward as well. Just a thought.

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Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

Oh and sex puts most people to sleep afterward as well. Just a thought.

so, like i was sayin, meggo, what're you up to this weekend? [Wink]

esau....a toothbrush? i really wish i had thought of that...man, i gotta step into the 2000's...haha

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a nice long hot bath usually makes for a calm & dreamy state.... and actually no joke about the pot, that will definitely inspire a good log-like sleep!

and willy, i do have a tip for you -- if it is stress & worries that are keeping you awake at night, i actually read somewhere that some psychologists believe that making a point to keep your bedroom & sleeping area "a sanctuary of calmness" will help lower your stress levels & improve the quality (& quantity) of your sleep. they suggest that if you find yourself worrying or thinking about stressful things while you are in bed that you should actually get up & leave the room & move to another area of the house to think about these things until they have left your thoughts. thinking about only calm & happy things while you are in bed is supposed to sort of trick your subconscious into relating being in bed to being calm & happy, and will therefore lower your stress levels & improve your sleeping habits. although that's probably easier said than done if you have things to worry about!

or you could just do what i do -- run around on empty like a chicken with your head cut off, on constant go-go-go-go-go for days on end until your body shuts down & you eventually collapse with exhaustion. [smile] actually i don't recommend this... your body gets pissed off at you & decides to make you sick (colds being popular revenge).

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Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

Oh and sex puts most people to sleep afterward as well. Just a thought.

Actually you only need the orgasm part. So, if you don't have a partner, and you can find another way to have an orgasm (or several), then that will probably work wonderfully. [big Grin]

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esau....a toothbrush? i really wish i had thought of that...man, i gotta step into the 2000's...haha

Try the 0000's.....


Early toothbrushes used bristles from the necks of cold climate pigs. Natural bristle brushes were invented by the ancient Chinese. French dentists, promoted the European use of toothbrushes in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. The first toothbrush mass-produced was made by William Addis of Clerkenwald, England. The first American to patent a toothbrush was H. N. Wadsworth. Companies began to mass-produce toothbrushes in America around 1885. The Pro-phy-lac-tic brush made by the Florence Manufacturing Company of Massachusetts is a good example of an early American made toothbrush. The same company was also the first to sell toothbrushes packaged in boxes.


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Meggo..I think there's something in the air, cause I myself and many folks around me have been complaining about not being able to sleep at night.

There's a lot of great advice here.

I would also suggest if your mind is busy, then keep a paper and pen by your bed. Take a few minutes and write down everything that is going through your mind whether it be tomorrow's shopping list, or a thought about a friend. Then put it down and try and relax. This use to help me back in my college days.

Secondly, weed, weed, weed! Works for me!

Thirdly....deep breathing yoga techniques while lying in bed, or have you ever tried that trick where you tell your body to relax then slowly start at your toes and tense them up then relax, then move to your legs...tense/relax...every part of your body...deep breaths and let your body go to sleep.

Also, putting a daily excercise routine into your day helps your body relax at night....and fresh-air.

I hope you find some rest soon!

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i havent been sleeping that well either,, but i know why, its not stress or anything, its shwilsons damn cat!! that fucking thing, man i wanna strangle it,, itll be the middle of the night and itll just start meowing like its getting murdered for hours on end, i can throw shit at it,, get outta bed and kick it, give it a damn piledriver but 5 minutes later itll be meowing like no tomorrow.


so i guess my real question is anyone got a way to get kitty to shut up and sleep in teh night?

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hey scotty-o, i know that taste, but i thought it was cat piss... we're on the same track though. vulgar too, i like it.

no word for this weekend, what are you doin? i was going to keep it quiet tonight (since i couldn't sleeeeep last night) but i'm getting that feeling. you know the one. anyway at present my msn and hotmail are effed??? so why don't you give me a callll if it's not up and running by the witching hours... 858-0202.

and everybody thanks for the tips. i managed to get by today on three hours sleep, now it's time for a mega-nap. or should i say a meggo-nap. can you tell i'm sleep deprived??? jeez somebody make me stop!

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Originally posted by Tooly:

yeah i think hes in heat, can a boy cat be in heat?

Oh yeh... big time! Even after they're fixed they can get worked up, particularly if a female comes around who's in heat. My two guys have been fixed for years, but they FREAKED last summer when a stray female was hanging around - and they don't even leave the house. But getting 'em fixed definitely helps a lot.

Actually, Ms. Hux mentioned milk for humans and little saucer of milk works on cats too BUT beware, a lot of cats are lactose intolerant. Try giving him a bit, and if it doesn't make him sick he's probably okay to drink it occasionally. Processed milk isn't the best thing for cats anyway, so I wouldn't make a habit of this in any case.


Mr. M.

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Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

Oh and sex puts most people to sleep afterward as well. Just a thought.


If you can't find someone to have sex with, MASTURBATE FURIOUSLY!!!!!

[Roll Eyes]

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Go sleep on the couch instead - pretend it's the middle of the afternoon and you have a lot of stuff to do but, in procrastinating, decide you need a quick power nap and voila! before you know it, it's the morning and you've slept wonderfully and you're still dressed and all set for the day.

Mayeb try this too: instead of trying to sleep and getting all frustrated that you can't get to sleep, just concentrate really hard on NOT sleeping... your mind won't be struggling like it does when you are thinking about getting to sleep and it will be able to relax and bam! you're asleep.

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