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nero should do a cover of:

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Originally posted by dimafleck:

has this been done before? cuz it would be great in my opinion.

Do you mean has Sand ever been covered by anybody? 'Cus I do know that Tom Tom Club do it, there's a great version on Live @ the Clubhouse.

If you mean have nero done it, certainly I've never heard that but I agree it would be cool!


Mr. M.

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Hmmm, well I'm thinking...

A King Crimson instrumental, like "Red", "Discipline" or "VROOM" - I think these would be right up their alley.

Or "Little Wing" a la Stevie Ray - I think they could totally pull it off, and that this would shut a lot of people up about Dave's guitar playing once and for all.

Or "YYZ" (dedicated to MarcO, jon & Jaimoe) - I think I'd just love the HELL out of this! [Razz]

- M.

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Originally posted by paisley:

at least MarcO didn't have control

Not much to worry about there - MarcO's never really in control. Just this evening I caught him hurling empty bottles of Formossa at the stoplight on the corner, yelling, "I prefer GREEN, you motherfucker!!!" Note that he was doing this from his balcony, not from behind the whhel of a car, making it all the more nonsensical.

I tell ya, the stuff I have to put up with...

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Originally posted by Jaimoe:

...anything from Jeff Beck... and I know Pablo's a huge Jeff Beck fan.

One of the highlights of NYE was hearing the "Blow By Blow" album over the PA as setbreak music; it's my all-time favourite album, and Pablo hisself picked it for the filler. I've also heard them do "Freeway Jam", but not since mid-2002, IIRC. (Back at a Babylon show in early 2002, they did "Freeway Jam", and I freaked out, and wrote a lauding review of it, mentioned FJ in particular. At Cafe Dekcuf on 2002.02.16, they encored with it, and Jay intro'd it with "This one's for Brad!" There were two Brads in the audience, so I can't be sure it was me, tho'... [big Grin] )

The one Jeff Beck tune I'd like to hear them do, though, is "Led Boots".



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Originally posted by Del-Head:

Knight Rider TV theme song

Ohmygawd, that would be so perfect! I'd loose my shit if they did a 20 minute Knight Rider jam, I'm totally serious!

Hey, and BradM could get up and do the voice over.

Knight Rider - the shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist...

YES! [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

- M.

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Originally posted by Del-Head:

Knight Rider TV theme song

Hahaha,which band was it that pulled that off at CTMF? I recall a band playing that tune there when GTB,JSB,Aaron MacDonald,nero & Drums & Tuba played.

Funny shit.

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