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Kung, #2, Esau... scaring away the left-coast


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Lovely. Stopped by to see how Phix was……what a nice warm, welcoming environment y'all are cultivating here.

Let's see if I can get THIS soap opera straight….

Kung hates Deke. Deke made Kung look stupid. Kung don't like to be made to look stoopid.

Kung hates Bonger. Bonger picks his ass. (and everyone elses?)

Certain individuals in Cavern Sanctuary now hate the "left coast" because Deke & Bonger live there and have dissed Kung?

Esau doesn't hate anyone, well, mainly because he is arrogant, and frankly, we are not worthly of his dislike.

Kung threatens both Derek and Bonger with physical violence both on and off the board. (ya, you're a kick-boxer, got it. I've got a crow bar and I fight real dirty too) …and now continues his fear-mongering, George W - style, with thinly veiled threats of "surveillance". ???? What the fuck is that all about??? Get a fuckin life dude! Are you sitting alone in your empty room seething that badly about that *1 POST* from months ago? Your condition is called "Compulsive Obsessive with Dillusions of Grandeur" and frankly you scare the shit out of me, Kung…...There are rules of conduct in life which you seem to think don't apply to you and that makes you a very very dangerous person. You really have no shame sharing your core of hatred with the world and your personal vendetta against them is both SCARY and CREEPY. Get help.

Bottom line is that we took down your bully. He may piss a lot of you off, but he is YOUR bully. And we are the outsiders, now more than ever. Well, you can keep him, I'll take Uni-Bonger anyday! I prefer my villains with a little humility, thank you very much. So embrace Kung, cherish him, rally around him…...but be warned to not mince words with him, because if you piss him off and become the focus of his intense rage, well, you just might find your rabbit boiling on the stove when you come home from work…or the cops at your door acting on an anonymous tip? (Note to self: Always flush your stash after arguing with Kung)

Yes, what an open, communicative, forum to express ideas about music and the scene. When you guys are done lynching your local band "Cavern", and start heading west with your pitch forks and torches, look me up when you get to the Rockies, I'll guide you into Vancouver through the haze of BC bud....then we'll all know once and for all that my jamband can beat up your jamband....

And if you come in peace, well, then you are also welcome, with open arms. You can even stay at my place. I'll set up a cot between my crystal meth lab and grow op. 8^)

…and another thing....Derek is not really my "brother", as was ratified in previous posts (something about me sharing poisoned semen with him??)……but I have known him for 27 years now, since we were 8 years old. (which is longer than most folks on this board have been alive).

And yes, he can be a prick (in the same vein that Esau can be). And the Bonger can be really annoying (in the same vein as Kung, oh, but Kung is more educated, yeah, that's right…what wonderful diction and prose!).

Guess what? We're all more alike than any of you would care to admit…

yours in boogie,


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"Guess what? We're all more alike than any of you would care to admit…"

That's almost the smartest thing I've read on this board in a long time! [big Grin]

But please do remember that there are 1200 people registered around here and only a handful are getting each other worked up. The rest of us are just voyeurs and there's lots of other threads that don't bleed with animosity like this one.

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I take issue with the following:

"Compulsive Obsessive with Dillusions of Grandeur" - for your atrocious lack of medical knowledge and ability to spell simple phrases

"There are rules of conduct in life which you seem to think don't apply to you and that makes you a very very dangerous person" - Because there's only one rule and that is to be yourself...there's nothing that says you have to be nice, that's your choice

and finally I submit that you're 35...a very distrustful age.

Now how's THAT for a rock-solid case against you? [smile]

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Well I had said this offline and I guess I have to say this online now.

I mentioned to Keither, who posted this thread that I had not made any comments about ya'll on the west coast,which I haven't and I didn't like being dumped in with the original reason for his post,but I was,fine,too late now.

My biggest problem is not with anyone on the west coast or east coast.My problem is with certian comments (now deleted) that were made and were down right uncalled for,since "the critics" supposive claim for his post was my negative attitude and so forceful opinion,there was no need to mention certian other things I do or have done that do not pertain to the scene,this board or the issue at hand.

I know I am a prick or asshole at times online,most of the time I purposely mean to be, to stir shit up,obviously it now has opened the flood gates for some people to post shit that has nothing to do with anything on this board or this scene in general.

If someone has a problem with my behavior here thats fine bitch away,name call,make idle threats or tell me what I prick I am etc etc, I can deal with that,but if you are going to mention certian things that occured in confidence then have the balls to say it as yourself.

Its pure cowardice to assume a new alais to say those things.


Originally posted by MarcO's Revenge:

"Guess what? We're all more alike than any of you would care to admit…"

That's almost the smartest thing I've read on this board in a long time!
[big Grin]

Hmmm I recall saying somthing along that lines Marc0...think it was about the Hess Village scene..not sure though.

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Nope,as I said,I thought it may have been about that,but I recall saying somthing along those lines...anyway I'm just having a good laugh at that whole comment,funny how it depends on who says what to have some folks see it that way eh?(retorical)

Now lets get back to the original issue at hand.

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I wouldn't say quite that I like this Spud guy but I do find him 'challenging'. Not in a Corky Life Goes On kind of way, more in the spirit of good sportsmanship. I go back to the fact that if I really check myself it bothers me that I don't have enough 'dirt' on other people to really throw mud when I get called out. Shit I know people intentionally don't tell me that stuff for that very reason. I know it's petty or 'dangerous' (Woman is a danger cat) but it's real. I've got alot of rage or anger or violence in me- that's part of the reason I relate to Ween more than say the cheese. I don't think violence is acceptable and have been in only one fight in my life and that was in grade 4. The bonger probably didn't deserve those sort of threats, prob'ly really shook up the little buddy. But that other twat really came at me with all this I'll fuck you're life up and sick my lawyers on you. He also seemed up to scrappin' cause he gave me his hotel address when he was staying in TO. It's between adults in the end. You all would've really thought I was insane if I actually went for a throwdown. In the end I settled on socially engineering the dates he was staying there, his room # and then I was just gonna let my fingers do the walking and just dial up some rank prostitutes for the guy- I'm talking big carribean ladies, trannies and assorted candy hiders you get the drift.

Then I just dropped it.

It's called neurosis deal with it.

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Let me clarify one thing here....

2, FYI, MedMan is one of my best friends.....How's this for a deal ? You never come on this little messageboard and I won't ever go on that messageboard ever again. Deal ?

that was taken from upstreamentertainment.com

first of all, any boycott of this board is self imposed. and ridiculous, I think, once again, that maybe you should use the personal message system to get your point across, Kung has lots of friends on this board, and trying to make him look like an idiot is uncalled for.

and that works viceversa.

I agree, and I think it has been said before, that the people in this scene tend to make better friends than advesaries... anyways, happy st.patties day, all coasts!

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Wow... stoking this fire didn't take much at all. One simple little poke with the 'ole fire stick and things start raging once again. Oh, what a funny little scene we have here. I think a lot of the people in these forums take themselves, and others, WAY too seriously.

65 posts and counting!!!

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Hey - i don't see what the deal is here. These "left coast" folks only pop up once in a while to say what a meanie Esau is or what a "fucknut" Kung is....So who cares?

In terms of Esau, i have met him once in person and have had numerous online exchanges with him. He strikes me as a great guy with strong principals and a true passion toward the music we all love and the scene surrounding it. I always have an interest in his posts and have consulted him on shows and music more than once. Keep it up Greg - i appreceiate his honesty and lack of inhibition with his posts....plus i am a big phish fan and have always found his hippie/phan baiting to be quite humerous.

When it comes to Kung, he is obviously an intelligent and articulate individual, although most of my exchanges with him invole him calling me a "fucknut" or mocking my love of the Dead and sharing those shows with this community....yeah he comes off as an adolescent tool online, but he must be quite funny in person, and if i were to have a few drinks at a show with him, i may think he is a good guy...maybe not...who the fuck cares.

He has as much right as anyone else to enjoy this online community in his own way,

I'm not really sure what i'm trying to say, its not that i have any issue with the west coast kids on this board, i'm sure they are a great bunch of people, who i will hopefully have the pleasure of meeting one day...maybe at a SCI show [Wink]

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Originally posted by keither:

Wow... stoking this fire didn't take much at all. One simple little poke with the 'ole fire stick and things start raging once again. Oh, what a funny little scene we have here. I think a lot of the people in these forums take themselves, and others, WAY too seriously.

Somehow, I don't believe that any of this describes our little scene. It's a fair bit of a stretch to connect all of these electro-battles ,between a few people, with the jam scene.

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I would like to clarify something...

the following quote was made by Derek and nobody else.2,

FYI, MedMan is one of my best friends.....How's this for a deal ? You never come on this little messageboard and I won't ever go on that messageboard ever again. Deal ?

that was taken from upstreamentertainment.com

I just want to say I should completely mind my own business. This has nothing to do with me outside that I got involved with the idea that maybe I could stop the fighting... I am done with this one... and everyone, PLEASE have a nice day!!! [smile]

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