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Everything posted by AD

  1. the bowling alley behind fil's is pretty fun
  2. Perhaps you'd care to share...
  3. If "Three" wasn't fixated on the silly 'three' thing and Plaskett edited his 3 discs down to 1, there's no question that he'd win this and many other prizes. But the record is so up and down, so many hits yet so many misses, i can't vote for it to win. If it was a focused one disc, yes. Soft Airplane gets my vote. Other people have posted other opinions about this running of the Polaris Prize. Just search the Sanctuary Forum for 'Polaris.' All in all, this edition of the Polaris Prize is super-uninspired. Whoever was responsible for the shortlist really missed a chance to do something great.
  4. Sean Well, today I did a few of those things you originally listed in your now deleted post, and it seems like you were perturbed at a question I asked you in the fake Phish tour thread, so I am assuming that your now deleted post was at least partly directed towards me. 1. I posted links to other threads about the Polaris Prize because other people had posted their picks and opinions and probably wouldn't be typing them out again for two new threads asking the same question. 2. I asked a simple question in the Phish tour thread (you said you didn't think the tour was fake, I asked 'based on what?') and then you got your back up and said that based on your opinion it was real but no way would Phish play SBP etc… It was confusing. I was just asking if you had knowledge that the tour dates were real (or at least not fake). 3. Asshole online persona? Not that you're calling me that, but I definitely was that in past years. I'm waaaay nicer than I used to be. I haven't corrected anyone's grammar or spelling in months, even though it kills me not to. =) Sorry-ish if you took anything I wrote today too personally. Tone doesn't translate too well on the interwebs. But then again someone might get offended from this very post. Sigh.
  5. AD

    Pretty picture

    based on what? Who at phish will be fired for booking them at a 20,000 seat arena in Ottawa?
  6. We should probably make a whole new thread to discuss this.
  7. AD

    Pretty picture

    Do you think Phish releases their tour schedule by taking a picture of a printout then posting it on a message board? See also discussion of Maple Leafs playing same venue on same night in Toronto.
  8. AD

    Pretty picture

    Notice how Todd also wrote that the Maple Leafs are playing a home game at the ACC while Phish is onstage at the ACC...
  9. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/252789/
  10. There's gonna be lots of brown gear on the Habs bench when (if) Matt Carkner gets on the ice with them again.
  11. Notice the spelling difference between what was originally put in the thread title and post 'Beyond the Pail' and the name of the band 'Beyond the Pale'
  12. They played a private show at the Dakota Tavern last night.
  13. 'Beyond the Pail' is when you have projectile vomit
  14. Last night saw Soul Power at the Bytowne. It's a doc about the music festival that accompanied the Ali / Foreman fight in Zaire in 1974. Not really a great 'movie' bit it is start to finish amazing footage of The Spinners, James Brown, BB King, Bill Withers and more. Recommended! It is showing for the next few days. http://www.sonyclassics.com/soulpower/
  15. So the software, barcoding or whatever security measure they use, hardware, support people etc magically appears? I gotta see that business plan.
  16. There is a fair bit of technology behind that delivery system I'd imagine. But I don't know for sure.
  17. Sent a message to your Facebook account rob
  18. The answer is probably that the corporate infrastructure in place incurs the same expenses for a $10 ticket as a $100 ticket.
  19. I used to go see Mike Clive's old band The New Grand a lot when I was in highschool. They played some good gigs - saw them open for That Dog, among others. Good times.
  20. AD


    I also blame the missing half-bottle of Hennessey
  21. Behind the Music, with Jeff Heisholt.
  22. wednesday nights - well, that's when i download it fresh off the net. maybe it's different for whoever shows it in canada.
  23. hmmm. Just looked up their bio, it kind of disagrees.
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