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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD


    [color:purple]kev, good to see you're keeping it classy here.
  2. AD

    Dan Mangan...

    He's decent - Robots is a great singalong tune. Will Currie & The Country French are excellent and opening a few of the dates in Ontario.
  3. Is Zeus a renamed Paso Mino? I don't think there's all that much interesting going on with them, but they sure have a lot of cheerleaders online / CBC etc...
  4. AD


    The stat that TSN dude pulled out was that since the lockout Heatley had something like 170 goals, while Cheechoo and Michalek combined had 218, for roughly the same money. (all figures and statements approximate) It's good to spread the load around (that's what she said)
  5. I don't think anyone speaks French in Cincinnati
  6. http://www.thestar.com/Sports/Hockey/article/694732
  7. AD


    why would anyone pay you to watch the Sens?
  8. AD


    well thank goodness that's all over
  9. AD


    Ten Bottles Cognac
  10. it was easily the best Slip album of 2006...
  11. Let's hope he and whoever he finds himself playing with can add a few more logs to the fire and get back on his / their game! His instrumental guitar album had some great tracks on it.
  12. They made the music and the album before the Polaris nomination, and before anyone made them 'critical darlings' You spoke of a necessity to include Quebecois groups for the Polaris award, and whether that's true or not is debatable - What I don't understand is the necessity to compare and rank them to a very different band. If we're gonna go that route, well, Slip, what have you done for me lately? I used to love you, but aren't you a chronic underachiever?
  13. The Acorn also did a UK tour with Elbow and opened for Fleet Foxes in London and Paris. Along with a Europe tour with Ohbijou. And other stuff.
  14. She was on FIRE! Any youtube links??
  15. MC Hammer played Bluesfest the last year it was at Lebreton, before heading downtown. It was a gospel set.
  16. they (organizers) promised another 'amazing' performance / performer
  17. Good point re. marketing. The old recordings (stereo and mono) made them the greatest band in history. The songs haven't changed one bit from those recordings.
  18. That quote has been widely attributed to George Martin as well. I'm perfectly happy with the stereo recordings. To each their own.
  19. What festival is this? These would be my picks The Acorn Bob Log III Dirty Projectors Explosions In The Sky Fleet Foxes The Heavy Herman Dune The Low Anthem Magnolia Electric Co. Neko Case Ohbijou Okkervil River Shearwater Steve Earle The Tallest Man On Earth Vetiver
  20. Sweet! Good to know the lineage, always interesting.
  21. oops. well, i was close. that song is a 10 Years After tune.
  22. Iron Chef is the title of the thread... Top Chef is great, I am a definite devotee. Kevin (the dude from Atlanta with the big beard) is my favourite this season. For what it's worth, Iron Chef is an excellent show as well. Top Chef Masters over the summer was a super fun series.
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