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Everything posted by scottieking

  1. Last year's festival was extremely well run, in one of the best cities in North America. While I'm not sure if I can go this year, I highly recommend it.
  2. Happy Birthday Little Sis. Age is number. Adultlesants for life!
  3. "If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC" Vonnegut's Blues For America 07 January, 2006 Sunday Herald Sad day but a brilliant legacy. One of the finest humorists, imaginations and wordsmiths of the 20th century.
  4. This thread is outstanding and offically restores my faith in the board. MORE!
  5. Birthday Realized A Day Mayhaps Too Late Hope you had a good one.
  6. That Bidini one itself bares a solid reading. It is quite heart-wrenching.
  7. And really, to put this all in perspective, how many last shows have remanded the last show? Bands get back together. Reunion shows. Hell, people could even argue that the last Dave Clark gig was the last true Rheos gig. Last seems so final, yet rarely is. As for not going because you've never been a part of that scene, I say take it all, whenever you can get it cause you may not be around, let alone the band.
  8. Have you been ingesting any really spicy foods lately? I find sometimes when I've eaten really spicy foods that I am prone to nightmares or even worse, night terrors (that half dream, conscious, slow motion, trapped in my own body, think I'm awake but know I'm asleep and try to force myself but i can't). Just a thought.
  9. scottieking


    I've been having residual caperoning dreams after our trip on March Break. I seem to engage in alot of rescue dreams. Call it white knight syndrome I guess. Oh and two nights ago I dreamt of BBQ'ing a turkey.
  10. MA-na-ma-na Doo-doo-de-doo-doo MA-na-ma-na Doo-doo-de-doo
  11. HA! Good one. How about reallydontgiveajamanymore.com
  12. Maybe I'm tiring of this debate as it enters it's 6th year, and seemingly monthly reappearance, but chances are if you think there's a scene, then its still there, and if you are accepted by a group of individuals, then you are in a community. It's strength and size therefore become irrelavant.
  13. Good F$(*&$ Morning. I gots the jet lag blues. Check this one. Sunday, awake 4:45am Paris Fra. time>hussle 42 teens onto a bus>fly out of Paris 9:10am>arrive Frankfurt 11:30 after an extra hr in the air>catch flight for 12:10>spend hour and half on the tarmack waiting for takeoff>8 and a half hr flight>arrive home 4:50pm local time>check that, 5:50pm Daylight savings time>customs, baggage>arrive St Thomas 9:15pm>arrive home 10:15pm>attempt to sleep a bit>wake up at 4:15am>get up 4:45am>rant on Skank 5:15am>HEAD TO SCHOOL TO TEACH SOME TIME IN THE NEXT HOUR! Ba-NAH-ne-naaah-na, Na-na na-na
  14. TOTALLY normal my friend. I get up no later than 8:30 am on weekends. I find the solution is a big pot of coffee, freshly packed bowl, the Globe, the net, a book and tons of good music. Do not get out of pyjamas until noon. Doing sweet f-a when you used to sleep is quite theraputic. On Saturday's I often nap at 2pm.
  15. Anything off the beaten path I should look for? Anything cool happening in these areas I should be aware of (keeping in mind, of course, I am travelling with 42 teenagers in tow) Anything I should be bringing back that only is available in these areas? Anything else?
  16. Scenes from Elton John's Dressing Room circa 1974. *Applause to both St Mtn and Fisty.*
  17. Not that this matters, but apparently, he is quite the smoker.
  18. The show - High energy. Totally Sonic. Big Beautiful Sound with lots of nice transitions. The venue - Packed to the gills. Call the Office is not the venue to be in. Maybe I'm getting old, but if the spaces between people in front of you is not big enough for you to fit into comfortably without your ass rubbing into my genital area and subsequantly the same for you, don't try to cram you and your little indie buddies in. This, and a sore back for me, hindered my enjoying the last half of the show.
  19. scottieking

    Dr. Bender

    "Though they go mad they shall be sane" No Dylan Thomas', tonight or ever for you, Luke. Your story has a happier ending.
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