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Everything posted by traveler

  1. Willie is gone? How trajic. He was a gentle giant. I will never forget him.
  2. It was the installer for sure. He new exactly where to go for parts only he can get rid of.
  3. Time to hit the open stage at Irene's.
  4. I've been there 12 times. I love it and plan to retire there.
  5. Thank you Mr. Emery for stiring the pot. Now we can discuss this injustice. Legalize it!
  6. traveler


    You could use flexible drain pipe and some clamps to solve this problem.
  7. I was living on the Carp Rd. The transformer blew in front of my house starting the trees on fire. I did'nt think they would burn very long since they were covered in ice. After 5 days I moved into a hotel in town. The hotel was filled with every O.P.P. officer in Ont. Fortunatly my power was back on the next day.
  8. Try hot chicken or vegi. broth. Get some bee tea at a chinese herb shop. Also pour honey down your throat. Then take 2 asprin and call me in the morning.
  9. That was a great time. Good job Heather.
  10. Hey! keep me on the list please. I wan't to see Velvet turn 40. My buddy Grahm will also be attending.
  11. I like Audiotronic's Stores. Future shop has crap refurbished/outdated stuff.
  12. A lot of hotels are empty in January. The Sheraton has rooms for $89.-120. Usually we charge $200. Ask for a discount at the least.
  13. The Sheraton let us have a pot luck and gave us a jive turkey.
  14. There was a guy trying to break in by my back door. I got my bat and waited patiently. Then it occured to me that I would have to deal with the cops, probably cripple some drug addict, etc. So I calmed myself down. My dog Roots scared him away. Good Dog!
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