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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Yessss! good Call! I never thought of that.
  2. OOOPs1 You guys are right. Sorry I meant 2003! The first STS9 show at Bonnaroo 2003! That was killer.
  3. So, my one of my best friends is a massive metalhead. He has a group of 9-10 people going to the Iron Maiden showat the ACC in T.O., tonight. I decided to buy aticket and tag along as it may be the only chance I will get to see one of the original Metal Masters in concert. I figured I have seen Sabbath so now I can see the other side of the classic metal coin! Anyone else banging thier heads tonight! It's gonna get messy!
  4. [color:red]QUIET NO MORE!!!!!YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I was keeping mum 'cause I didn't want to be dissapointed! I can't beleive the Tigers actually won thier division. First time since the heady '84 days of Chet Lemon and Alan Trammell! Wow! Tigers 4EVER! Man it's been a long time since I could say that with pride! DETROIT WHAT!!!! :crazy:
  5. Indeed Bobby is 59 and doin' fine! Although he better watch out with Buffett & Willie Nelson just busted, Bob Weir could be next! "It's so easy to slip"
  6. Well I kinda thought this would happen. If Harper loses support in Quebec his fragile minority is really fucked! Let's hope.
  7. Dude download Bonnaroo 2004! Crazy set, I was there. Some covers in the mix and a high energy show full of breakbeat madness. That was thier first Bonnaroo and it seems like they were trying hard to make and impression. And they did!
  8. Yeah this is the real issue here: Youtube was a little start up and not a publicly traded company so it could get away with all the copywrighted material on there for free. Now that Google a mega giant and publicly traded company has bought it, the copywright isses will flood in. I imagine Youtube will become a bit less atttractive with all the copywrited material removed.
  9. The irony is that everyone seems to believe that "improv" is what we hear when we listen to jambands. Most people would run screaming from the room if they heard a *real* improv artist' date=' like John Zorn or someone like that.[/quote'] Or Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry, Eric Dolphy or John Coltrane. Whoa fellas don't count me in that bunch I love Derek Bailey, Sonny Sharrock, Pharoah Saunders, David Murray, Roscoe Mitchell and many other Free improvisors. The distinction is that you guys are makinng is "Free Imporvidation" vs. "Tonal Improvisation". I love both....... And I never run screaming.
  10. You don't need to go to Afgahistan to battle 10ft high weed trees. You could simply hit any farmer's field in the London/Brantford area.
  11. NO SNOW in T.O. YEAH BABY!!!!! Love that city heat!!
  12. [color:red]Have you been freebasing with Trey??!!
  13. Perhaps not eye for and eye. I guess I fall into the "captial punishment is never justified camp", hence the knee jerk reaction. I just find those who advocate capital punishment very strange. I mean the idea that "you killed people and it's so wrong, we are going kill you", is ludacris and childish. A far harsher punishment is imprisonment forever with no frills. Then the mind can eat itself. Death is too easy.
  14. Really! You're all for killing people? WOW. Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. As far as we know this guy may have said a lot, but we have no proof he even killed anyone! So basically you're advocating death for speaking upopular speech against America. Insane.
  15. Question: [color:blue]When seeing a band live, or "getting into a band" by reshaerching them and listening to thier music, what excites you abotu the process and hence the band? I can recall being excited about the Grateful Dead, becuase of the improvisation involved, the rich history and the feeling I was part of that history and I was witnessing something unique, as no two setlist are the same. I was also excited by the unique voices each player int he band brought to the table. With Phish I was excited by the technical expertise of the band, the detailed arrangements and the fun atmosphere and humour that permiated a show, and the promise of seeing a really cool or rare cover song.. how 'bout you?....
  16. They could also focus on actually improving the level of democracy in their own countries. Exactly! I really feel that the US is the worst type of faux democracy. It is really a facism tarted up as a democracy to keep the masses complacent. It's funny for a country called "the land of the free", the have less freedom than we do here. At least courties like Iran and N.Korea preach dictatorship and practice dictatorship.
  17. I agree with you totally BradM. Any political system that is alien to a nation and imposed upon it, is a problem. You are correct it is the imposing. I was using democracy as an example as it is the political system that seems to be the most attention of late given the current conflict. I also agree with Phishtaper that democracy has to grow from below and spread, not be forced from above.
  18. I sincerly hope you are right about the US and time showing them that force doesn't work, but I sadly do not share your optimism. And yes it does matter who loses first in terms of world domination as time is life and time is all we have. Again I hope your right, but the US doesn't learn. If they did Vietnam would have shown them that Iraq wouldn't work. But they are now repeating that disaster. Let's hope.
  19. It's Stephen Harper testing his nukes. He doesn't want to be shown up by North Korea.
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