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Everything posted by timouse

  1. havinbeers right now that does just roll off the tongue.
  2. i love that name. sounds like the name of an evil corporation that james bond brings down' date=' and scores three babes along the way. it's ceo wears an eye patch and a leather trenchcoat. [/quote']
  3. liberace? he's still alive? incidentally, your friend's tunes sound very good. oughta be a good time!
  4. timouse

    Nickleback News

    i really wish people would quit bringing that up. my imagination regularly feeds me unbidden disturbing images, it doesn't need the extra help.
  5. steely dan and richard thompson on the same list with donna summer? festivals make strange musical bedfellows.
  6. timouse


    mother nature sure took a bat to the east coast.
  7. timouse


    mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes in equal proportion with butter.
  8. nice. thanks for the link, FOWL.
  9. i turned everything off but the fire and the cbc, me and the dog fell asleep. viva earth hour!
  10. yup. have you heard stephen fearing's version of thrasher?
  11. i heard a rumour that summer was cancelled and that we were beginning the next ice age.
  12. dear winter, thanks for the slow melt. you could have been a total peckerhead and flooded my basement, but you didn't. thanks as well for introducing new moisture to my watershed, as greg said, deep lakes and rivers this year... see you next year.
  13. :::: rushes to create a wikipedia entry on the effect of earth hour on the power grid :::
  14. first thing i thought of. we should send ticketfucker a bill for services rendered every time we buy tickets.
  15. 40 is the new 30. happy ball day!
  16. i am the engineering guy at a custom metal fab shop, they can be made but not cheaply. i will make some calls and see about a price, but i think you'd need way more than 15 to make it worth your while.
  17. pretty much all of sarah harmer's catalogue. same for feist. koko taylor singing wang dang doodle gives me the chills.
  18. very cool. we live outside of guelph and have seen all sorts of deer tracks in the field behind our house. a couple of times walking in the cedar woods we've found (or more accurately the dog found) impressions in the snow where deer have laid down for the night. never gotten that close to one of them though. maybe i need to borrow your deer suit
  19. they need to incorporate a snopes checker in to e-mail antivirus software. it would cut the amount of forwards i get in half
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