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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. that game is on the sportsnet tv listings now
  2. That game is on TBS tonight (or late this afternoon your time!) Not sure if that channel is available out west.
  3. They start this week! Some good storylines going into the playoffs, including the monumental collapse of the Mets (up 7 games with 17 to go, and they totally went into a funk and didn't make the playoffs) and an NL showdown today between the Padres and the Rockies for the wildcard spot. Being originally from Boston, I'm cheering for the Red Sox of course. I'm always pessimistic about them, they've let me down too many times (except for 2004!). The Yankees are always tough competition. Who do you guys like? Or does anyone even care?
  4. Happy belated! Great picture with that self-proclaimed Garlic King guy.
  5. So when does the 20 game suspension start? Does it start in the AHL or when he gets called up to the NHL?
  6. The strong CDN $ is also affecting the pot industry!
  7. I certainly do. I picked up a pair the other night. Just sittin' there on someone's lawn! I couldn't believe my luck.
  8. I don't understand why people just can't sit back in their lawn chairs and enjoy the show.
  9. I wasn't even aware that was a crime.
  10. It's got nothing to do with exchange rates. Canada places huge tariffs on books.
  11. Gov't Mule Le National, Montreal, QC - 09-14-2007 by: Dave Alburger The announcement of Gov't Mule's "MIGHTY HIGH TOUR" came and Ottawa Mule fans were not surprised there was to be no show in our town once again. But, what's this? A Montreal date on Sept. 14th, a Friday night! Usually we would have to venture down to the T-dot for a Mule show, where they've played several years in a row. But now, we can make the quick drive to Montreal to see one of our favourites not too far from home, and stick around to enjoy the evening without having to worry about work the next day! Warren Haynes We arrived at the venue in good time to make it to the show. "Le National" was a place many of us had never been before, but it was typical of many venues in Montreal - medium sized, open floor sloping downwards towards the stage, and a horseshoe-shaped balcony. A perfect venue for a hard-rocking band like Gov't Mule. google_ad_client = "pub-8241045454770105"; google_ad_width = 250; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "250x250_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel ="9487450232"; google_color_border = "FCFAED"; google_color_bg = "FCFAED"; google_color_link = "003366"; google_color_url = "003366"; google_color_text = "003366"; //--> With no opener slotted, this was billed as "An Evening with Gov't Mule". The band hit the stage shortly after 9 pm with a great version of "Brand New Angel" from last year's "High & Mighty" release. Guitarist/singer Warren Haynes greeted the crowd at the end of the song with a Franti-esque "How ya feelin' this evening" as he crunched out the opening riff of "Mr. High and Mighty". As the show continued with a combination jam of "Lay Your Burden Down" and "Smokestack Lightning", it was apparent we were in for a evening of great music. The band (Haynes, drummer Matt Abts, keyboardist Danny Louis, and bassist Andy Hess) were all in prime form. Gov't Mule is a band you can count on to work hard at every show and turn in a great performance. This band is as reliable as a, well as a working mule! Other highlights in the first set included Bob Marley's "Lively Up Yourself" and Led Zeppelin's "Livin' Lovin' Maid", which was preceded by Gov't Mule's own "Lola Leave Your Light On", a song that would not have been out of place in the Zeppelin catalogue. The first set came to a rocking conclusion with "Mr. Man", a song which many fans believe is a jab at President Bush! The set break came and many of us headed outside for some rest and relaxation. This is when I realized how strong of an Ottawa contingent was attending this show. Old and new fans alike wondered if Gov't Mule could draw a decent crowd in our own city. Heading back into Le National for the 2nd set, we ran into a bit of a bottleneck. The bar area for this club is located between the main entrance and the entrance to the hall. This made it difficult to get through the drink-purchasing crowd. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood. The bar service was a bit slow, with 3 bartenders crowded into the small serving area. However, there was no problem ordering as many drinks as you wanted. None of this "Two at a time" limit we see so often in Ontario. Ahhhh Quebec - the land of reasonably loose liquor laws. Unfortunately, towards the end of the show, the bar ran out of several of our favourite brands, and all they had left was Molson Dry! No worries though, that beer's got 5.6% on the label. Into the second set, they performed a great Big Sugar song "I'm a Ram". Fitting, because Big Sugar's Gordie Johnson produced Gov't Mule's "High and Mighty" disc and has guested with Mule on stage a few times. Something that I found out after the fact is that "I'm a Ram" is actually originally done by the Reverend Al Green (thanks AD!). The Mule continued with another interesting cover - a reggae-fied version of The Beatles' "Love Me Do" which everyone enjoyed. The obligatory drum solo came. Matt Abts is a great drummer, but there are those who wonder if these drum solos really necessary. My answer is a resounding "Yes", because I used this time to empty out all the Molson Dry! The band finished of the set with a great rendition of "Soulshine", a song that never fails to please. For the encore they played "So Weak, So Strong" and everyone left smiling. Set 1: Brand New Angel Mr. High & Mighty Lay Your Burden Down Smokestack Lightning Lay Your Burden Down Reprise Banks Of The Deep End Lively Up Yourself A Million Miles From Yesterday Lola Leave Your Light On Livin' Lovin' Maid Mr. Man Set 2: Like Flies I'm A Ram Love Me Do I'm A Ram No Celebration Drum solo Fallen Down-> Gimme Shelter Tease The Other One Jam Temporary Saint Mule Soulshine Encore: So Weak, So Strong Le National is a pretty good place to see a great band! Warren Haynes Gov't Mule
  12. You've never read a book in your life!
  13. A group of four people can pay $396 ($99 each person) and get a pass for either weekday skiing (9-4, M-F) or night skiing (5-10, M-Sat)
  14. Sorry I couldn't make it folks! Had a family to-do on Saturday. From what I've heard, sounds like everyone had a great time at your place. HBD Dave!
  15. Hey, somebody who plays for the Leafs joined the board!
  16. You're right, it was a totally horrible metaphor.
  17. To be fair, Bush was attempting to speak metaphorically. He still came across as a moron. Carolyn Parrish was right.
  18. Man... I wish the CDN $ was like this back when I was following the Dead and Phish around in the early 90s!
  19. They're mixing Patrick up with his father again! Mike Eaves
  20. Regarding the discussion about diesel vs. biodiesel, this is from davidsuzuki.org
  21. Phorbesie - here's some required reading. This may be the first article by this guy that's not loaded with mistakes!
  22. Take your age and double it, then subtract 20. I'm old enough to be your older brother!
  23. Man! not much luck on my end. I've been trying since 10 am and I keep getting 504 gateway timeouts. argh! Edit to add: Finally got through and ordered tix. Not great seats, but better than I thought I would get after trying for almost 2 hours. See y'all there!!!
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