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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. You should add a "NSFA" tag to this Not Safe For Anyone
  2. You should write a letter to the editor of the Ottawa Sun about this.
  3. I'll sell you a small picture of rum and coke for 4 dollars. 2 for $7!
  4. Let it go already Booche. I did over a year ago!
  5. My favourite quote of his, from his show: "Add water to the sauce while it is simmering. If you don't have any water, you can use beer." He was a great promoter of cooking with booze.
  6. Can you bill him for the time you'll spend in court on Monday?
  7. Freak By Night


    It was an interview with Devra Davis, a cancer researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. Just google her name and you'll see all kinds of info on her research. The interview itself is on salon.com, but you have to sign up to see it and I don't have time to do that right now. Interesting point she makes in the interview, when talking about using lab rats for cancer research. Pharmacuetical companies use lab rats to invent drugs, but when researchers found aspartame to cause cancer in rats, everyone was all "oh it only causes cancer in rats drinking 800 cans of soda a day". She said that was spun by the company that developed aspartame. Studies finding that aspartame is bad for us were suppressed by the Reagan administration.
  8. Happy belated! Hope you had a great day.
  9. Freak By Night


    It was an interview with a scientist about things that cause cancer. If I get a chance, I'll re-read it tonight and post the jist of it later.
  10. Freak By Night


    I read that ariticle Phorbesie. I read it about an hour after I bought a 2-4 of diet pepsi. Not sure if I'll drink the stuff now!
  11. High cholesterol. I've been to that area at least once a year since the 60's, so I've had more than my fair share of the Philly cuisine. Didn't feel like sampling it this time around. Plus I was full of turkey from the thanksgiving feast I had the day before. Have you ever tried scrapple?
  12. I didn't actually get any food, but I saw what was available and the prices. In general stuff was a dollar or two cheaper than here. Of course they had cheesesteak sandwiches which were very substantial for $7. The slices of pizza were about twice the size and had way more cheese on them than you'd get here. Another popular item was huge pretzels which I think were $3. All draft beers were $6 for a 16oz cup. Not as much selection as here. Their imported beer was Molson Canadian.
  13. I'm in Philadelphia this weekend visiting my grandmother for Thanksgiving. On a whim, my brother and I went to the Caps/Flyers game this afternoon. Very exciting game. The Flyers got behind 3-0 early, then came back to tie it before losing in OT. The fans here take their hockey very seriously. Good to see! I must say, everything about the Wachovia Center is better than Scotiabank Place. The easy access off the Interstate, the parking, the price of beer, the prices and quantity of food served, and even the music they play during breaks was better.
  14. I watched last night's game over yahoo.com I'm in the US so I'm not sure if it was available on the interweb in Canada. Exciting game, but disappointing result.
  15. That's just so bizarre bouche I don't know how to respond to it. How was work today anyway?
  16. Hey Office fans! I've got a movie recommendation for you: "House of 1000 Corpses". Written and directed by Rob Zombie, this soon to be cult classic features Rainn Wilson in a major role. See Dwight like you've never seen him before! I saw this movie a couple of nights ago. It's like a train wreck - I wanted to look away but couldn't.
  17. Listening to Judas Priest does not make one a satanist. The petagram carved into my forehead is a different story!
  18. I've answered the door to the Jehovah's Witnesses while listening to "Saints in Hell" by Judas Priest at top volume. Works better to ensure their swift departure than yelling and cursing at them.
  19. Yes. Oops. I was wrong. Just got back from the LCBO, no tetrapacks. I did pick up 6 bottles though!
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