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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. If Jack Morris could do it (he pitched 3 games in the 1991 world series, including 10 shutout innings in game 7), I don't see why Beckett couldn't.
  2. Well put AD. Keep up the "nitpicking". You're doing a great job and I've learned a lot from you over the past couple of years.
  3. Incredible news. Congrats Matt, Steph, and Uncle Rob!
  4. Although not widely reported, some people choose to drive while being on the receiving end of "wind therapy", often with disasterous results. Remember folks, coming and going don't mix!
  5. Yes they did delay opening the doors for awhile. Once the doors were opened, there was plenty of time to get seated before the show started at about 8:20pm I always thought that "Keep the Car Running" sounded like a Springsteen song. What a pleasant surprise when that song was played last night!
  6. Well put elemeno! thanks for the early morning laugh.
  7. What a game last night! Manny is earning his huge salary this playoffs - something A-Rod couldn't do! I can't see Boston winning this 4 straight though. Cleveland is a good team. I'm expecting a long series.
  8. A fire on Somerset Street was arson? Never saw that one coming, nosiree!
  9. Let's start a petition to have snoe.down at Mt. Tremblant!
  10. I can't see anyone stopping the Red Sox at this point! Ortiz is on a mission.
  11. Just got the e-mail too Brad. I thought it was a hoax at first!
  12. Using my powers of deduction, I've figured out that Phorbesie's avatar is the guilty party.
  13. An awesome evening last night, great show. The bass player was phenomenal - Hadrian Feraud, he's only 23 years old. He did most of the heavy lifting. If you're going in Toronto tonight, you won't be disappointed!
  14. Why oh why did I pick him in the pool?
  15. A few of us are getting together at Colonnade Pizza for dinner, you're welcome to join us, around 6pm or so, corner of Metcalfe & Gilmour.
  16. First of all, why is this thread not in the sports forum? Instead of focussing on the parking issue, we should look at the myriad of factors that killed Triple A baseball in Ottawa: - the parking sucked - public transit to the stadium sucked - the stadium staff treated the fans like crap - the MLB lockout in 1994 reduced interest in baseball all over the continent, but the Expos (with whom the Lynx were associated) got totally screwed by that lockout - the team eventually were no longer associated with the Expos. - It's still snowing here in Ottawa in April, when the Lynx opened the season - increased interest in the Senators in the late 90s meant more competition for the entertainment dollar. - the city owned the stadium, which meant the team owner couldn't make money from other events the stadium could have hosted
  17. I have to admit, I was the one who killed the Lynx. I went to a game way back in 1996 with some friends who brought their young children. Some asshole usher wouldn't let them bring in juice and crackers for their 3 and 4 year old boys. I told everyone I knew about this incident. The typical reaction was "if that's how they treat their fans, I'll never go to a Lynx game". By the next season, attendance had dwindled. So I take full responsibility.
  18. Enjoy the show tonight folks. You're in for a great time. Check out the review I wrote for the show in Montreal a few weeks ago. AD - I quoted you twice in that review. Hope you don't mind!
  19. Good article in the paper about the strike
  20. Episode One: A Necessary War Episode Two: When Things Get Tough Episode Three: A Deadly Calling Episode Four: Pride Of Our Nation Episode Five: Fubar Episode Six: The Ghost Front Episode Seven: A World Without War
  21. I have 6 of the segments on my PVR now with the 7th set to record at 8 tonight. Haven't watched any of it yet - so don't tell me how it ends!.
  22. Ha Ha yeah that is a little slow eh? It's not much of a highway, regular speed limit is 80, slows down to 30 as it passes through town. My guess is the guy was all amped up and drove right into a speed trap.
  23. I don't do cocaine, but if I did, I wouldn't drive around at twice the speed limit with over half a pound of the stuff in a plastic bag on the passenger seat! Idiots in the news
  24. I too fell asleep - shortly after the Padres went ahead 8-6, but woke up a while later to catch the exciting ending. That was the first National League game that I had watched all season! Great to see some baseball folks in Rich Stadium! Looking forward to Wed. night - Sens vs. Leafs and Red Sox vs. Angels.
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