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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. Heck, the Canadian Tire dollar is worth more than the US dollar now.
  2. You're right, it is way cheaper to travel in America now. And our economies are very close-knit. I just wanted to use the word "hoopla" in a post. Good point about the "inferiority complex", which I think is uniquely Canadian. What's the yen worth, less than a cent? I don't think the Japanese have an inferiority complex.
  3. I wonder if there would be so much hoopla about this if our unit of currency was not called "dollar". Europeans didn't raise a fuss when the Euro exceeded the US dollar back in 2002.
  4. After reading that, all I want to do right now is take my $200 tax cut and 1% GST cut and spend it on coke and herion.
  5. I got perhaps 50 kids at my house. Some great costumes but also some lame ones. One guy's costume was simply a toque! He only got one piece of candy, I was giving everyone else 3 pieces. I was surprised that the flow of trick-or-treaters ended early. By 8:15 pm, that was it.
  6. Any tax cut that puts approx. $200 in my pocket a year is a good thing. However, while the feds are awash in a suprlus, our cities are crying poor. So I expect the $200 tax savings will just go towards increased property taxes. Most of you were probably not in the workforce when Mulroney was the PM. He pushed through some of the largest tax increases in Canadian history. The conservatives are just reducing the taxes that they increased 20 years ago.
  7. They actually arrest people in East Texas for returning rental movies late?
  8. I ate chocolate even before I got out of bed this morning.
  9. As far as I know, you can visit this page for some shitty information. http://www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/RegServ/Enforcement/program/team.htm#report Also, the Civil Aviation Regulations maybe located here if someone's doing their job properly. http://www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/regserv/affairs/cars/menu.htm ok...back on topic. This is the link you use to raise an issue with TC Civil Aviation.
  10. You'll be laughed at and openly mocked.
  11. I sleep naked. I wonder what "Mr. X" will think of that?
  12. Weren't you guys drinking beer during the game? I find that can alleviate the tediousness of it all. Receiving a blowjob from your girlfriend and/or wife during the 7th-inning stretch helps a lot too.
  13. Yay! Well I'm happy with the Red Sox winning. I did expect the Rockies to win a game or two but I'm glad it's over with, these games go way too late and are too long.
  14. Bouche and Booche have the best avatars going. Don't change anything boys! PS. Velvet's is good too.
  15. That's funny. For a moment I thought that somebody had hacked the real Wikipedia page.
  16. I glad my desire for my mother to be alive when the Red Sox won the world series out-ranked your desire to not be alive!
  17. what is your favourite MLB team Booche?
  18. What a game! To be honest I couldn't watch the whole thing. These playoff games are way too long. I'd expect a better showing from the Rockies tonight. The Red Sox aren't 12 runs better than their opponents.
  19. I just can't see the Red Sox losing this series. They've got the bats and the starting pitchers. My prediction: Boston in six games.
  20. Just great. In fact, if I was any better, there'd be two of me!
  21. Yes indeed, he does the '67s games on the radio.
  22. Well what a game last night! Sets up the showdown in game 7. As a huge Red Sox fan I'm skeptical about Dice K getting the start tonight.
  23. That practice should have been outlawed in Ontario at the same time Squeegie kids were outlawed. I even sent a letter to premier dictator Mike Harris suggesting that. I received no reply.
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