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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. They should have been jailed just for naming their child "Crown".
  2. Many of us are using Rich Stadium as our start page! Great review Lara! Feels like I was there.
  3. JFJ will probably offer him a million at least!
  4. I totally fell asleep during the intermission after the 3rd and didn't find out what happenned until this morning. Bummer! I really wanted to see Vancouver go to the finals (against the Sens of course).
  5. As you can see to the left, I'm older than most on this board. My friends and I listened to Sabbath on a daily basis between 1973 and 1979. So they were hardly under-appreciated as far as I'm concerned!
  6. Obviously, because I typed "where" when I meant "wear"! D'oh! Seriously though, if you go to a game and want to wear a jersey, wear either the home team jersey or the away team jersey. Even a vintage Winnipeg Jets jersey would be acceptable. But don't wear a Leafs jersey, unless you want to get heckled.
  7. Yah! Great game tonight. The crowd was going nuts! One question: why would some people where leafs or habs jerseys to a game where a) neither of those teams is playing and neither of those teams even made the playoffs? It boggles the mind.
  8. To be fair, she didn't actually compare the climate policies with the Nazis, she compared them to Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis. Either way it was a dumb thing to say.
  9. So what you're saying is, game 5 on Saturday, game 6 on Monday if necessary. That's the way it was originally scheduled. I heard that if the Buffalo/Rangers series was over by game 5 (Friday), game 6 of the Sens/Devils series would be moved to Sunday afternoon. Now that the Buffalo/Rangers series is tied 2-2, that won't happen. Something else that could throw a spanner in the works .... transition workers at Scotiabank place could go on strike this coming Monday... info here
  10. I've partied with Dave and Deb and handful of times. They are awesome folks!
  11. Keep on rockin', dude. Enjoy your day.
  12. Wow. That was an exciting game. I take back what I said about Devils games being boring. The Sens took it to them in the first and things opened up. I totally thought Don Cherry jinxed it when he said something to the effect of "It's done" in the 1st intermission.
  13. I sit corrected: Still though, as a hockey purist, I don't like hockey teams located in places that don't have winter.
  14. compared to the monkey deal at $145 or a potential monkey deal at $125 or what? compared to buying them at compact music. I'm going wait and see what the monkey deal is!
  15. It comes to $272.75 for two passes with the extra fees and charges. So you save about 9 bucks per pass by purchasing them this way.
  16. I use Bell for my home phone, cell phone, TV, and interweb. I've never had a problem with them. Granted, I could save a few bucks by going with another company or a VOIP phone. But I'm getting Aeroplan points with Bell so it's all good. Rogers screwed me around with cell phone billing a couple of years ago, so they're on my sh!tlist. I boycott their service. I don't even read Maclean's or cheer for the Blue Jays.
  17. So who does everyone like in round 2? I think the Sabres/Rangers series might be the most exciting. I expect lots of violence in this series, and maybe even a concussion or two. This one could go the full seven. Prediction: Sabres in 7. The Sens better come out with all guns blazing against NJ. The Devils have a tendency to lull their opponents (and the fans) into a deep sleep, then they score late in the 3rd and win the game 2-1. Wonder if the Devils can sell out their building this series? Most people would rather watch paint dry than sit through the tedium. Prediction: Sens in 5. Red Wings/San Jose? I'd like to see SJ advance, mostly because Detroit has spent more than their fair share of time in the winner's circle in the past decade. Joe Thornton deserves to compete for the cup. Prediction: Sharks in 6. Of course, I'm cheering for Vancouver against Anaheim. We can't have a team owned by Disney called "The Mighty Ducks" winning. It's just not right. Prediction: Canucks in 7.
  18. Ironically, because of all the pot I smoke, my attention span is too short to read all of that!
  19. I certainly hope so. He's overrated and overpaid. But who would pick up his ridiculous contract?
  20. The Citizen had an article shortly after the initial announcement that Jerry Lee Lewis booking had fallen through.
  21. Wicked game! What an atmosphere tonight. So, I guess Kanada Kev owes me a beer!
  22. Here's a question I just thought of - is there an opening band?
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