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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. That hotel is incredible Ollie. Luxurious. Their regular rate is like $160/night.
  2. Hilarious! I got the picture from The Smoking Gun. This meth-head was caught breaking into someone's house, when he tried to get away he wiped out in some raspberry bushes and scratched his forhead all to hell. Thanks for the new avatar Roller!
  3. Which one? .... The 1st one more so than the 2nd one.
  4. Yeah, the Blues were definitely robbed. That goal should have counted.
  5. I suppose a better way to get under Crosby's skin is to butt-end him before the opening face-off.
  6. The way the Penguins have been playing, it looks like the Sens will face the Devils in the first round!
  7. It is all over the interweb, so it must be true
  8. 91st. before this post, I was tied with Stapes. Now I pull ahead!
  9. AD, I was joking. I don't really think the place will go out of business because of a bad review on message board. Hopefully for the restaurant's sake, Dinghy's dining experience was an isolated incident. Check out the handful of reviews I've posted on that restaurant site. Every one of them is glowing. Sometimes I'm even tempted to say "eight thumbs up".
  10. I tried some ectasy a couple of weeks ago. Not bad, but not as good as ecstasy.
  11. Hey Dinghy, you should submit exactly what you wrote above to the Ottawa Restaurant Guide. The place will be out of business in 3 months.
  12. Baird's not the Transport Minister. He's the Minister of the Environment.
  13. Florida Hawaii Illinois (if changing planes at O'Hare counts) Indiana Maine Michigan Nevada New York Ohio Vermont California Oregon Washingon Arizona Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia Delaware Maryland New Jersey Pennsylvania Massachussets New Hampshire Rhode Island Texas
  14. Geez' date=' you're hard to impress.[/quote'] hee hee drop by my place to watch a game with a box of beer and bag of weed, and I'll be very impressed
  15. Canada USA England France Belgium Netherlands Morocco Spain Luxembourg Thailand Germany Malaysia Saudi Arabia Aruba Bonaire Costa Rica Mexico Jamaica Scotland Portugal Italy
  16. Well he did miss the majority of Saturday's game! So, another "pay per view" game tonight. I'm going to try to catch it on that site that Blane posted last week. If not, I'm heading to a sports bar.
  17. I'm so jealous of you jet-setters! Oh to be young and rich. Have fun, I'll expect a full report!
  18. They should be called "Dickapedia" That's flawed mathematics: therefore: approx 66% cons., 33% libs. in other words, 75% libs, 25% cons. 75/33 is much less than 6.
  19. You're right - that was an American announcer (ESPN). When I heard Tucker being called Kaberle, I thought it was just another Bob Cole gaffe. Kev - you're free to disagree with me but "karma is portioned out by the cosmos".
  20. My take on the Alfredsson hit on Tucker that year in the playoffs: Didn't Tucker intentionally break Mike Peca's leg in the previous round? It's called Karma. What goes around, comes around.
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