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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. If there's any NASCAR or monster truck rallies up against the game on Saturday afternoon, this whole thing is going to blow up in Bettman's face.
  2. He should have offerred the cops a bribe. They might have let him go for a billion dollars.
  3. Is she hot? (sorry I couldn't resist).
  4. This NBC thing would be a non-issue had the Leafs managed to get one more win this season!
  5. My sympathies Leafs nation... as much as I dislike your team, I wanted them to make the playoffs. When you're counting on another team to lose, it makes it more hard to take.
  6. My sympathies Habs fans... If I may paraphrase The Sloth here... "Just keep drinking and focus on the Sens". Would have been nice to see your team in the playoffs.
  7. I am soooo looking forward to this 4-day weekend, even if the weather won't be great. Tonight I'm going to the Sens/Pens game. Tomorrow and Saturday, probably just relax, drink some beers, watch movies and hockey games. Sunday, cooking up a turkey for Easter with some friends. By the time Monday rolls around I may have the energy to rake my lawn.
  8. I had a few predictions written up to post here, but I erased them all because you never know what's going to happen. I can, however, safely predict that I will not win a cent in the office playoff pool. Your Atlanta vs. Vancouver prediction is interesting, but I hope it doesn't happen.
  9. Sunday April 15th according to: the band's website.
  10. Sweet. I'll probably pass on the Casino Rama but I'll most likely head down to Camden NJ.
  11. I say we nuke Michael Coren and his fat anti-abortion, anti-feminism, anti-pre-marital-sex ass.
  12. Of course! How could I forget! In the winter we always had a backyard rink. Decent size too.
  13. Here is Michael Coren's take on Iran. This editorial was written several months ago before the capture of the British sailors. I would imagine he more or less feels the same way.
  14. When I was a kid "Kick the can" was a lot of fun for outdoors. Indoors it was "Monopoly" or "Risk". When I got a bit older "Hot Knives" became my game of choice.
  15. I thoroughly enjoyed "Children of Men". Michael Caine, in a supporting role, is awesome.
  16. Sorry I missed your BD this year Brad! Hope it was awesome (and I heard it was!)
  17. A pleasure to meet you and your wife MOBE! Great food. Sorry I couldn't make to the Dekcuf with you guys but someone was a little too wasted!
  18. I wouldn't count on the Sens to do your dirty work tonight, Leaf fans.... The Habs are hot, and the Sens are inconsistent at best. It would be cool if the final playoff spot in the east were to be decided by the Habs/Leafs matchup on April 7th! That's the final game of the season for both teams.
  19. Surprised no one's talking this up in the Politics forum. How do you people feel about this? I'm surprised the Brits haven't gone into Iran with all guns blazing. Hell, they went to war with Argentina in 1982 over a few sheep on an island.
  20. Stop sleeping in your car. Seriously though there are several recommendations any doctor will tell you for a good night's sleep. Not knowing you, I don't know if these apply or not. 1. Give up caffeine 2. Give up smoking 3. Give up drinking and drugs 4. Exercise 5. Eat properly 6. Remove any stress from your life Peace out. Time for a nap.
  21. The words "pompous" and "self-important" come to mind when I remember an incident there in 1996 that forced my friends and I to leave, shaking our heads in disbelief. Not one of us has ever returned. I'll leave it at that.
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