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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. At least they managed to get their map oriented correctly on the web site this year.
  2. Good to see some people are falling for an April Fool's joke.
  3. You da man, Brad! Happy Birthday.
  4. They signed a cheese-eating surrender monkey?
  5. "Pittsburgh police are checking on a report that Kimutis got down in a football stance, yelled "hike," and then charged toward the window."
  6. I saw Stevie Ray Vaughan in the Salons 'back in the day'. Not a great venue for sound.
  7. More Phish, less Prince. More Dead, less Sheen. More music, less TV.
  8. I'm thinking of hitting this show. Anyone else going?
  9. What happened to spark the near fisticuffs? What is that restaurant like?
  10. My vote's going to the party that promises to: a) legalize pot criminalize telemarketing
  11. Disappointed I wasn't mentioned. I guess I'm not contributing enough! I don't give an "F" about the #1 pick.
  12. The news article I saw said he's donating $1 for each ticket sold to earthquake relief. Mighty generous of him! I don't see the appeal of following the antics of this jerkwad. Is your life so devoid of sex and drugs that you have to live vicariously through Charlie?
  13. That sounds even better than the new Radiohead album.
  14. Just received my estimate from Sanderson. Their quote was almost what I've budgeted!
  15. Cavemen invented fire so we would have to eat raw food!
  16. I've heard good stuff about Sanderson Roofing from two of my neighbours. My roof needs re-shingling this spring, I'm going to call them for an estimate. My roof has been in rough shape for a while. Last summer there was no shortage of handymen knocking on my door and offering their roofing services. They would leave their name and cell phone number. I would not recommend anyone like this at all. They seem like the guys Mike Holmes warns you about on his show. For any major home renovation work I go with well-established companies who have actual business addresses.
  17. That site shows some promise... they need to hire Heady Epic to be their Jim Anchower.
  18. What happens if Aubrey's goes out of business after selling all these coupons?
  19. Location: Anytime the local media does a survey of Ottawa's eyesores, the City Centre building consistently ranks at the top of the list. It's an industrial wasteland. DiRienzo's is across the street from a park. Variety: DiRienzo's sells rolling papers and other grocery items. That's one-stop shopping! Service: DiRienzo's gave us free t-shirts a few years ago.
  20. I like the new location. I liked Britannia too, but I can see how it was too far for some people. Yes BWM, Hog's Back Park is on the north side of Hog's Back Road.
  21. I'll be sending a similar e-mail, definitely with the bold section removed. Air Canada's letter to the NHL made absolutely no request that Chara's non-suspension be rescinded. In fact, the news I read indicated Air Canada sent their letter before Chara's hearing even took place.
  22. I'm pretty sure they were selling beer when April Wine played there a few weeks ago.
  23. Brutal. Couldn't believe that. Hope he's alright.
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