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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I wouldn't say they're not to be missed but I'll be there for sure. I like them and it is a reunion show.
  2. You'd make an excellent conservative cabinet minister.
  3. That first bass note was my main reason for wanting to be there on time. My ribs needed rattling!
  4. I thought every thing about that show was great, even the sound. I especially enjoyed that many people were over watching Buddy Guy on another stage, leaving much more room at the main stage to dance and move about. What a great band. First time seeing them for me, it won't be the last.
  5. The new layout of the blues festival grounds has prevented me from patronizing the food vendors on more than a few occasions. The food area is smack-dab in the middle of the area where most people enter the festival, causing a clusterfuck of a human traffic jam when the people trying to get a snack meet the arriving throng head on. I really hope they re-think the placement of the entrances and the vendors for next year.
  6. Less is more, eh? Looking forward to seeing MMJ. It was you, Jaimoe, who first got me interested in that band.
  7. Au contraire, I will be disappointed because their bluesfest set will be significantly shorter than 3 hours!
  8. A Perfect Circle = Tool Lite (very lite) I saw Frampton last summer, he heckled a lady in the front row with his "mouth guitar" - this lady was on her crack-berry the whole show. Hilarious! Leon Russell and his band put on a fun performance last night.
  9. I really enjoyed what I saw of The Sheepdogs last night. I caught the last half-hour. That's the way I like my rock & roll: long-haired and shaggy.
  10. Which version did you think was better? The Phish version or the Ben version? I thought the Ben version was incredible, but I wasn't at the Superball.
  11. My two favorite Ottawa summertime activities: 1. Attending the Bluesfest 2. Complaining about the Bluesfest See y'all there tonight folks! I'm hope to be there in time for Alberta Cross at 6pm.
  12. I'm sick of those kids already - and their dad is a good friend of mine!
  13. There are two entrances along Vimy Place, which, as I learned last night, is the road directly in front of the War Museum.
  14. I suspect the change in the orientation of the stages was an attempt minimize noise complaints. My biggest peeve about the change in the layout is they lost the west-side entrance and bike parking area. That's gonna suck for people like me who bike to the site along the river.
  15. Oh yeah, and Soundgarden was great last night!
  16. Oasis opened up for Neil at Molson Park in 1996. Soundgarden played with Metallica at Molson Park that year.
  17. Those setlists are great, but what I really need to know is - what people ate?
  18. I think you posted that before he signed with the Sens for one year yesterday. Uncanny!
  19. I didn't pay much attention to the proceedings on draft day, but I was surprised to learn that Ryan Smyth is back with the Edmonton. Good move by the Oilers. Brian Campbell is now with the Florida Panthers.
  20. Soulive was excellent last night. Good fun! Best keyboard-bass playing I've ever heard.
  21. Judas Priest: "Sinner" or "Saints In Hell" Iron Maiden: "The Number of the Beast" Black Sabbath: "Disturbing the Priest" I used to keep these songs queued up on Saturday mornings for the inevitable arrival of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  22. Totally agreed Velvet. Thoroughly enjoyed the show last night and the rain held off until just before the end. Taking a look at the setlist, I'm surprised at some of the covers - Los Lobos and Porter Wagoner? Comparing last night's set with others from this tour, looks like we got short-changed by a couple of songs. Still, it was a great kick-off to the festival.
  23. I'll keep an eye open for you guys at Gator's today, although depending on the weather I might not be choosy about the vendor. If it's raining too hard I may just go to the one closest to the office or with the shortest line-up!
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