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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. The "Boos" for Yashin were quite loud back in the day.
  2. I'll be going to the home of the Habs on April 20 (excellent day for a Rush 4/20 concert!)
  3. If you haven't seen "Forbidden Planet", do so. It's a sci-fi classic, and as Jaimoe said, a serious role for a young Leslie Nielson.
  4. Now we know where the "special sauce" comes from!
  5. Nielson's 5-neck guitar is worth the price of admission alone!
  6. Deepest sympathies. My heart goes out to you Basher. I did not know Julia very well, but I'll always remember her generosity and friendliness. The afternoon I spent at her place prior to that Allmans show in 2005 was very fun.
  7. 1. Yesterday was "Labour Thanksgiving" in Japan. It's a national holiday they celebrate every November 23rd. 2. The date of Thanksgiving coincides approximately with the harvest. 3. I am.
  8. After they announced that Kovalev scored his 1000th point, the crowd gave him a standing "O", which kind of caught me by surprise. I mean, here's the player who consistently phones it in game after game. After a few seconds, everyone stood and cheered for Kovy. Now I can say "I was there the night of his 1000th point!" Strange game. You can't say it wasn't exciting right down to the final buzzer.
  9. "So Long, and Thanks for all the Phish"
  10. When I saw Plant in 2005 (Mighty Rearranger tour), he mailed in a 70 minute set. Never again.
  11. I generally go with the flow in these situations - if the people around me are standing/dancing, I will too, but if nearly everyone is sitting, I'll sit down. At that Allman's show I went to on Saturday night, we were sitting beside one of the most annoying, drunkest concert-goers we've every encountered. At first this woman insisted that everyone sit down. Then later in the show she stood on her seat and wondered (loudly) why everyone else was still seated! Then she kept yelling "Get the fuck up the piano" over and over again. Apparently she wanted Greg Allman to get up and walk around, and be front-and-center on the stage! Toward the end of the show this dimwit realized that Dickey Betts was no longer part of the band - "Where the fuck is Dickey" she kept yelling.
  12. Just got back from the show tonight. Sweet! Greg's new organ is treating him well. He was in fine voice tonight. You're in for a treat in Boston, Velvet!
  13. Interesting news. I always liked the Britannia location, but maybe a new location would draw more people. They're gonna need a lot more mosquitoes to achieve Winnipeg Folk Fest stature!
  14. Computers provide a means for millions of IT professionals to look busy without really doing anything. So, yeah, I'm glad they were invented.
  15. That article does not tell the complete story. The final words in the article "and the withdrawal of the Sun TV application" suggest that Sun TV news is not going to see the light of day. The application that was withdrawn was one that would force all TV providers to include Sun TV news as part of their basic packages (like the CBC). From what I understand, Sun TV news is going to forge ahead and be a channel for which subscribers would have to pay extra (like Fox News).
  16. Amazing story of how you met up. Congratulations!
  17. Looking forward to the inferno on the cake!
  18. It's actually a surprisingly good new release from Heart. Looking forward to the concert. But, technically, "#10" is not "the top". Compare: "Are the Leafs still at the top of the Eastern conference standings?" "No, they're tied for 10th place."
  19. Dating myself here, but for my 15th birthday I received some money from relatives which I used to buy two of the greatest double live albums ever released. "Love you Live" by the Stones and of course "Waiting For Columbus". I think it was an excellent choice by Phish to cover Little Feat. I've listed to their performance a few times now and I think it's awesome. Jealous of those who attended!
  20. Sens 3 Leafs 2 (OT) Orr over Carkner by TKO Habs 5 Bluejackets 3
  21. Ha Ha, glad you enjoyed it DB. It's actually Marnie's recipe, but I don't mind taking full credit.
  22. Well I just finished by first double down. Verdict? I like it! I thought it was quite tasty. Filling too. It's been a long time since I've had any KFC. The saltiness didn't bother me. I had a delicious homemade garden salad with it, so that kind of balances out the unhealthiness. I'll get one of these again, maybe in a couple of months. It's not something I'd want to eat very often. Have any of the ladies on the board stepped up and had a double down yet? Because my wife had one she thought it was good too!
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