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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. The Doc is holding a clinic!
  2. I've made that commute before. No problem going into the city in the afternoon, but the Holland tunnel was closed after midnight due to construction! I had to double back to the Lincoln tunnel and got stuck in a huge traffic jam. I was delayed for about an hour.
  3. Some intriguing choices listed here, I'll have to give a listen to some of these. I think I have more of a mainstream taste of music than a lot of you. And lately I've re-discovered a lot of older tunes, which has delayed my listening of newer stuff. I'll be back near the end of December with a list of my faves!
  4. I agree. It's awesome. Perhaps Neil's best release since Ragged Glory.
  5. I respectfully disagree. Not with anyone's selections, but with being "close enough to the end of the year" for a top album list. The year is barely 3/4 done. What's next? A "post of the week" award at noon on Thursday? Caps-lock Mondays?
  6. I can answer that! Back in the day, singles were released on a 45 rpm 7-inch record. The song considered the single was on the "A" side of the record. Typically, another song from the LP was cut onto the "B" side of the record. Sometimes, the "B" side song became as popular or even more popular than the single. Since both songs contributed to the sales figures of the single, both songs are listed as the single.
  7. Agreed! Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Early start and an early finish for a Sunday night. They played about 90 minutes. Blade's smile and subtleties were fantastic. Money well spent!
  8. It used to be Biddy Mulligan's. The address is 303 Bank Street.
  9. All gone! A co-worker attempted to order some tickets at 2:15, and he was out of luck. That was a narrow window of opportunity.
  10. Hope your birthday is a great one!
  11. Thanks so much for the notice Freeker! I just ordered a single ticket for my brother. He balked at the price when the tickets first went on sale, but since he heard how awesome the shows were in Toronto, he was kicking himself for not getting a ticket.
  12. Last night I saw David Suzuki give a very impassioned lecture at a beautiful church in downtown Ottawa (the same venue at which I will catch the Chick Corea Trio this coming Sunday. The key messages I took home from the Suzuki lecture were: Why is "economy" always given more importance than "ecology"? The Green Party is doing some good stuff, but because they exist, the other political parties ignore environmental matters. In our consumer-oriented society, people are focused on acquiring more and more things. But, as people approach death, they don't reminisce about all of their fantastic possessions. Their memories are of family, friends, and good times. People spend more and more time indoors. We are forgetting what it means to be connected to the outside world. When environmentalists protest the cutting down of a forest for logging or to make way for a new shopping mall, the hue and cry from the ruling class is "why don't the environmentalists buy this land, and they can do with it as they please?" However, the same people are adamantly against a cap-and-trade system, which is essentially the same thing - placing monetary value on the environment. If you have a chance to see David Suzuki's lecture (in Montreal tonight and in Toronto tomorrow night), don't hesitate to go.
  13. The Bluesfest also had a full-page advertisement on the inside cover of Relix magazine earlier in the year. Didn't they have their best attendance ever this year? (Specious reasoning, I know) As for Lysten, they had several things going against them: The weather: Not sure what they were thinking holding an outdoor festival on a late September weekend in the 2nd coldest capital city on the planet. They might have gotten lucky with a warm weekend, but statistically, chilly, rainy weather was almost a certainty. The location: I think this baseball park is very nice, but poorly located. Not easily accessible by public transit or by pedestrians. The line-up: I've only ever seen the Sadies, and I think they're good, but really, there wasn't much in the line-up to appeal to the baby-boomer demographic - the people with disposable income. It's easy to criticize (fun too!) but my heart goes out to the promoters behind the Lysten festival. If they decide to do this next year, they should think smaller. This festival would have had more attendance had it been held in a downtown bar.
  14. Thanks for the recipe! Made this today, very good. Although it's hard to imagine something containing butter, garlic, and all that cheese not being good!
  15. 2003 called........... ...and it appears got the wrong number. Phish played January 2nd. Me and Sloth were there' date=' and there WAS an elephant in the parking lot. There was.[/quote'] That was awesome!
  16. Forget the Lychee festival. I'm going to see Kim Mitchell - indoors, out of the cold rain, and for free, on Saturday night. Agh, who am I kidding - I won't be doing anything.
  17. I remember being quite toasted that night.
  18. So many memories. At a New Deal show in January 2002, I met a rather funny fellow with a Burt Reynolds mustache. He told me about the phish sanctuary website and insisted I join. The rec.music.phish newsgroup was not giving me the sense of community I craved, so I joined the phish sanctuary the following day. At first, I got to know a few people through the board, in virtual form only. Booche and Bouche, I figured were in charge of the sanctuary. In April of that year, through the sanctuary, I learned of a Days of You reunion show to take place at a basement bar in Ottawa, and several "skanks" would be present. I could finally meet some of them! Days of You were one of my favorite bar bands in the 90s. It was going to be awesome! I arrived a bit late, after the opening band "Dr. Huxtable" had played, to see several people mocking an electric toaster on the stage. I thought "these people are idiots, I don't want to meet any of them". Over time I got to know all the cool people on the board and have forged many good friendships. Still no explanation about that electric toaster.
  19. Anyone have an - allen key? - apple pie? - open sore? - assortment of fluff? I dunno what I was going to finish that with. I've got all of those things Mike. Come over to my desk and I'll set you up.
  20. Is this being organized by the same people behind the reggaefest?
  21. Thanks for posting that article Davey Boy. Good read. I've never seen anyone's height described as "5-foot-12" before! One thing's for sure: This thread is making me hungry.
  22. Funny, when I saw Jeff Back back in Feb., his bassist was Rhonda Smith, who used to play for Prince.
  23. Kanada Kev to the rescue! http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showpost.php?post/658624/
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