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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. It definitely was The Doughboys opening up for PJ. The Reverend opened for Soundgarden at "The Bob" in 1994. I remember these shows very well. Good times! After the PJ show, I drove to Toronto to catch PJ, Soundgarden, and Blues Traveler open for Neil Young at the CNE, the very next night.
  2. TTE'd for sure punk! It was a good "sit-down" song for everyone. Met some cool Philly people last night. Very friendly and funny. They are big Tragically Hip fans and said the Hip sell out every time they play in the area. One of the girls has a family cabin up in Maniwaki and has been to Ottawa many times. "Canada is very important to all of us, and we're glad you're here" she said! Tuesday's set list looks better but it was still a good show last night. Surprising VU song to end the concert. Thanks for the link Rob but unfortunately if failed on me. I'll try later.
  3. For now I'll just say that trampoline schtick during YEM never gets old!
  4. I'll be there tonight. Don't know how they can top last night's set list though!
  5. I managed to arrange a slight detour in my travels, and I will be there for Friday night's show. See you there!
  6. Had a great time last night at the show. It was great hanging out with some cool new friends before the show and then visiting with my "newbie" old friends during the intermission. As fun and as musically awesome as the show was, I'll always remember it as my first Phish show at which I wore glasses. I can see!
  7. I'm actually not staying overnight. I'm coming home after the show, as I my dad and I have an appointment with his lawyer Monday morning to take care of some legal mumbo-jumbo.
  8. I'm in for the Dinosaur BBQ. What time do you want to meat (pun intended) there? We should go early so we can make the 4:20 meeting time at the convention center.
  9. Booche just polled the electorate. Count me in for a vote for Eminence Front.
  10. You're 33?! Could have fooled me! As you know, I gave up alcohol (which wasn't really that difficult) and I replaced it diet pepsi. But as far as food goes, probably most difficult for me to give up would be bacon. There's no replacement for bacon.
  11. Freak By Night


    If they were nice and big and fresh, $26 is probably a fair price.
  12. Despite the loss, it was a pretty exciting game to watch tonight.
  13. TSN2 was showing the FSN feed, but even those of us who do get TSN2 missed the Slewidge feature - they cut away to the Leafs/Carolina game in the intermission!
  14. Here's an excerpt from an e-mail I received from the office of the mayor in response to my concerns about Lansdowne Live: "This partnership will accomplish that goal without increasing property taxes and without giving up ownership of the park. The plan is balanced to allow the private sector partners to recover their investment while sharing revenues with the city, and in the end Lansdowne will remain a city asset for future generations."
  15. TVs - yes, 3. One is not working. Cable, no. Satellite, yes.
  16. Speaking of meaningless, have the Leafs named a captain yet?
  17. Freak By Night


    Wasn't sure if I should put this in the politics forum or the food forum! Parliamentary Restaurant adds seal to menu
  18. Sounds like sour grapes Kev! I'll watch at least some of that game.
  19. Good times at the game tonight. Some good natured trash talking amongst the fans in my immediate area. Who's "Carpenter"?
  20. Whitey and I were so late that we missed almost the entire first set! Rolled in as they were finishing Slave.
  21. I heard that Minto made the largest financial contributions to the BIA.
  22. 4:20 pm @ convention center main entrance - see y'all there!
  23. Some excellent debate in this thread. Good work boys. For me, Lansdowne is all about sports and concerts. As for the retail portion of the plan - I can't see myself doing very much shopping at Lansdowne. I'm not a huge shopper. I've got pretty much everything I need already. I prefer to do my grocery shopping close to home. The retail portion of the plan is likely required to carry the football team, which, on its own, would probably not make much money.
  24. The word "renovate" could mean a lot of things. They're going to have to some major renovating to the south stands because the lower half has been torn down. Such a renovation could include more comfy seats, better bathroom facilities and concession stands, and better access to the upper level. I certainly hope it does because those metal benches were hard on the ass.
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