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Everything posted by Hartamophone

  1. Interesting looking show on paper. Eager to hear it/hear about it: SET ONE Nellie Kane Mellow Mood Buffalo Bill Kill Devil Falls Wolfman's Brother Rift Undermind Ride Captain Ride It's Ice Dog Faced Boy Brian and Robert 46 Days Limb By Limb Character Zero SET TWO Golden Age Mike's Song > Fast Enough For You > Weekapaug Groove What's The Use Theme From The Bottom > Backwards Down The Number Line > 2001 > Harry Hood ENCORE Good Times, Bad Times
  2. Nicely done, rock star. Hopefully you can hook us up with a YouTube clip.
  3. Yeah I had thought it was just Craig and Aaron, but the drummer in one of the videos on their site threw me.
  4. Who's in Scientists of Sound, aside from Craig and Aaron?
  5. Sounds like a hell of a time they had. Steve Miller Band, eh? Keep us posted.
  6. Saw that The Trews were opening up his Canadian dates. If you've been there and it's anything like your Nickelback experience, it should make for good storytelling.
  7. Wicked, thanks! Love that it's live.
  8. The legend lives! Happy birthday, brother. A little something you would appreciate:
  9. There's a whole lot of not getting laid happening in this thread.
  10. Any word on the whole camping fiasco?
  11. oh..thats no good time. Was that the main camping option?
  12. Here's to ya, Booche. Hope it was a good one, or whatever.
  13. there's a band I haven't heard from in a long while. are they still together? Sadly, no. They quietly played their last show right around Halloween '07, I believe.
  14. In true spinoff fashion, shouldn't your new band be called A Different World?
  15. Apparently one of the original band members had some pent up frustrations and quit. I don't think they'll be any reunion show or final show... They aren't all on talking terms. Since there were only two "original" members in the band, and one of them wrote the message, I'm guessing there was a disgruntled bass player involved?
  16. Bummer. Can't say that it was a surprise, given how quiet they've been over the last couple of years, but it's too bad to hear that they've made it official. They provided the soundtrack for a ton of great nights for me and my amigos in the early 2000s on the East Coast, and a few sporadic shows in various other parts of the country since then. I think I'll throw on Rebirth of Hooch for the soundtrack to my evening run tonight. Thanks for the good times, fellers.
  17. Pumped to hear that they're making their way up to Yellowknife this summer.
  18. As I said on Facebook, I'm not believing anything until I see a long-form death certificate.
  19. 'Tis a bummer. While he isn't even my favourite character, it's hard to fathom the show without him.
  20. The first of the recordings? You doing a heady matrix or something?
  21. Pretty funny article from Boulder's daily newspaper. Some of the tweets at the bottom are gold, Jerry.
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