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Everything posted by Hartamophone

  1. Last year I was in Boulder for this day. The whole town turned into Bisco lot.
  2. Beauty. Hoping it will be on Q's YouTube channel.
  3. That receipt tells quite the story. I feel like the evening probably took flight right about the time somebody ordered a round of 25 Jager bombs.
  4. Sounds to me like you want to want to do Phish, but you realize you'd be just as happy staying home that weekend, all other things considered. But hey, far be it from me to meddle in the romantic and hallucogenic affairs of others.
  5. Shouldn't bradm be headlining this?
  6. Lac Philippe is pretty good. AD has never had a bad time there.
  7. 3. It is happening almost literally in my sister's front yard, although that might not hold quite the universal appeal as a well-oriented map.
  8. Yeah brother! Here's to you.
  9. I've said it around here before, but the site is top-notch for a festival, both in terms of layout and weather. Hot during the day, nice and cool at night with a tripped out forest in the middle. Yes, please. I would love to transplant Bonnaroo to that site.
  10. If we start using Two and a Half Men as a reference point for comedy, then we're all in big trouble.
  11. Howcome? Asking out of sheer cuirosity, as I've heard this before.
  12. [color:purple]Why are there no blues acts at a blues festival?
  13. It was cool to see the super moon and the northern lights at the same time. 10 points to Yellowknife.
  14. My Thursday night was a lot happier than my Friday morning. I'm proud of myself for having the foresight to take today off work.
  15. Here's a link to a couple of them.
  16. @Hartamophone (I think), but I have yet to post anything.
  17. Out-of-touch-with-reality forum, please.
  18. Nothing for me. Still holding out for a Yellowknife date
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