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Calamity Jane

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Everything posted by Calamity Jane

  1. all the best Karin! rock it, baby, rock it!!!
  2. it's HERE!! I'm heading home early today
  3. all the best Paise! just knowing it's your birthday makes me smile and feel happy....hope you get those feeling returned jumbo/LARGE today!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG FELLA! (I know not of the degree of hirsuteness aformentioned, or I would have had the salutation read: 'big hairy fella' I'll just wait for the proof someday before I get so informal with ya.) celebrate in style! glad you are both back safe & sound. Hope to see you soon!
  5. the funeral was exactly as tough and as healing (in the ability to grieve and say goodbye very publicly) as I thought it would be. Mark...that same line has always choked me up personally as well...each time we practiced/sang that song over these past days, I never made it more than halfway through...the rest becoming a kind of silent/whispered prayer to Marcel himself. I am SO proud of Dave's strong, sure voice (and all the mice harmonies) that carried that song to the rafters!! I do believe we (the freak family connection) were a gift to Marcel's family. I had some lovely & loving moments with his mom, dad and sister afterwards. In part of his sister's eulogy (which showed she DID know and understand her brother) she said something like "I think Marcel understood what was important in life/got a lot of things right" I know I'm paraphrasing badly, but again, it seemed to me she was understanding him as being 'different' than the rest of the family, but somehow more 'right' in his priorities. That made me happy to hear it. I want to thank all who contributed to this thread...It really DOES make a difference; you need to know this. Never fear what to say....just responding to/validating our deep pain, listening to/responding to our own stories about Marcel and sharing your own (thanks Paisely, Mike & Sharon, and others!) helps so much. I'm dreading when this thread gets 'washed away' as I know it will. But I know that it certainly does not mean he's forgotten. Again, to all of you...heartfelt thanks for your loving thoughts....I absolutely felt them over these tough days!
  6. loss pain confusion hurt deep, deep hurt shock hurt...mostly hurt disbelief anger unfathomable sadness an ache that cannot be described I miss you, Marcel, I will miss your presence---truly 'larger than life'....peace, Marcel, peace.
  7. Yes....and right back atcha all....I'm finally getting into the spirit of things....looking forward to cathcing up with good friends this weekend, celebrating the season with family, too. I hope people get to experience some moments of peace and harmony (both within and with-out -- with relatives/friends) I know this time of year gets really depressing for many folks, so I am sending out all my good wishes and intentions, that y'all will be safe, warm and happy. Baj and Tim....I'm feeling wonderful from those images you posted...thanks folks should know Tim's niffermouse painted that butterfly-on-the-snow-fence. I LOVE that painting so much!!!
  8. I have long come to the conclusion that you can't tell people how to spend their money (from watching friends and family waaaayyyy more solvent than me, and thinking in terms of comparison: "that-dining-set-you-bought would-be-the-downpayment-for my-house" sorta thing.) You can still (quietly) judge them ...we all do this, but you can't really make their purchases make sense to yourself. And funnily enough, it often works the opposite way too: how many times have you heard the whispered gossip about so-and-so making X salary and still wearing that "ratty old" whatever it is to be critisized because surely s/he can afford better. it comes down to inividual taste, priorities, choice, etc. etc. If you're motivated to be an ethical consumer, or less of a consumer overall, the best one can do is lead by example (and gentle reminders) such as this thread does...bringing these issues into discussion by all means, if the price of a gift feels excessive and the receiver can't therefore enjoy the gift for the images it rasies of what that money could DO for others, then the receiver should return/refuse the gift.
  9. Peas n' Rice!!! Bama man...where's that from? Jack Johnson does a great cover of it, btw.
  10. try to land behind the bar, if you can manage it (we could put a note on your back if that would help)...the floor's less sticky there, if you can believe it!!! I'm gettin' really psyched to see y'all... ...hey Cully...you been paid yet???
  11. heya William....better a late BD wish, than none, I hope you agree.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!
  12. the invitation to crash with us is open, as always, you SoOn folks.....if there's nothing going on (or too much to choose from that it's hurtin' your brain) do consider another O-Town/BNB rager! (I'm just not sure how I'm gonna top last year's outfit. I imagine I'll still have to wear those disco-light shoes!)
  13. thanks, guys, for this recognition...... those of us 'in the movement', either as volunteers or workers with agencies aiming to end violence against women sure do appreciate the recognition & support. I organized the Dec 6th event at my school yesterday...along with the white ribbon campaign we had many agencies come to share info with the students....the focus being on 'dating violence' and recognizing (and leaving) potentially abusive boyfriends. I can't believe what a HUGE issue this is among teens, btw....there's been such a de-valuing of young women, seen as bithces and ho's...appallingly common language in the hallways at my school. anyway....my message is really about THIS: Harper has cut a huge amount of funding to the Status of Women department. There's already an angry, pissed-off backlash fomenting and I ask that you add your voice to the outrage! There will soon be a website launched to educate people about what will be lost by these cuts, and an on-line petition, I believe. I shall post it when avaliable. ~peace~
  14. best wishes Badams! maybe someday we'll find out what's really so rad & bad about your ams
  15. there's another thread on this from a few months' back when someone else (Cosmic Chris C, maybe???) was called for duty my own experience was an excruciatingly BORING week of sitting through the jury-selection process for about 5 different trials. (But the bulk of the week is sitting in a large room with 500 other souls, simply waiting to be called into a courtroom for that selection process.) My thoughts: you're IN for at least a week of time....during this time, IF your name is called for a possible jury, you have the opportunity ONLY THEN to tell the judge why it would be an undue hardship to sit on a jury. Some the excuses that seemed to work were: ~~already had a holiday booked () ~~person was integral to the running of their company and that a project, etc. would fail due to his/her absence ~~self-employed and would lose income/clients no one tried a medical reason during all this. I claimed I was unfairly biased against a someone on trial for rape & murder since I was an active volunteer with the Rape Crisis Centre...but this was NOT seen as a valid excuse by the judge!!!
  16. wait, wait, wait....don't jump the gun here. Snelly....your OWN, or someone else's....or just the miraculousness of a 'manhood' in general? I mean, lay off the poor bloke, fellas..... if a folk isn't hooked up, then one's "significant other" is conveniently carried around in one's own pants!!! That's certainly worth a celebratory shout-out!!
  17. oooooh....I'm a getting all tingly just thinking of the vibes and good folks we'll connect with. a long drive, but totally worth it.
  18. Happy birthday Katlady!!! looking forward to crossing paths with you again (I remember the night I first met you, believing you were maxwebster in drag.....kinda like the LaToya/Michael Jackson thing....never seeing the two of you in the same room at the same time.....) hahahaha maybe it was the vitamins I took! anyway, wishing you all the best for an awesome year ahead!
  19. Happy birthday cake-boy Happy Bithday staple-head (just following the trail of insults here....I know they're not very witty, though) oh well, I wish each of you, on your own, a great year to come!
  20. the ilk of his cum did irk her tit. (beat that -- all 3 letter words, 'cept one!!!)
  21. happy birthday dima.... I think this guy has all the equipment it's reputed you like
  22. when was the second and third? or do you make it a yearly event? (I'd hate to be working as a rent-a-clown this evening in TO!!!)
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