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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I think I'm going to become a Run with the Kittens fan. Ween meets White Stripes. Other than that, you know me. Always listening to those crazy New Zealanders' and their reggae. Check out Fat Freddy's Drop, or Rhombus. I also have Neko Case, Rilo Kiley, and The Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense in heavy rotation!
  2. Dude... the places your imagination takes you!... Gross.
  3. I think it was their posturing. When I see/think of a police officer, I don't see them as bandana wearing, rock toting protagonists in a protest situation.... This whole situation stinks of Canadians adopting 'Patriot Act' style techniques on monitoring the masses. And the rock thing is relevant. When you're in a protest... you DON'T carry anything that can be used as a weapon, because if the tide turns and the cops to break the line, they will come after stick wavers, and rock throwers first for arrests. There is no rational reason that individual should of been carrying that rock that close to a police line in a peaceful protest situation... and the fact it turned out to be a police officer makes it that much worse. I'm aware there are undercover cops, but this idea just doesn't gel for me in this situation, especially since there are dozens, if not hundereds of properly clothed police officers a few feet away. If they must have officers in the crowd to protect them from themselves... then why dress them up as arguably the most protagonistisc groups that attend these rallies i.e. the Anarchists and company... why not tone it down a little... being that you're their to promote the peace right? And if there is some sane reason why this dress was considered reasonable... then in what manner of happening did that 65 year old union leader get so riled up with them that he DID eventually discover their true nature with this cover up. Just makes that feeling that we are losing our freedoms stronger for myself. Maybe it's because I'm a pot smoker, and because of that fact I no longer feel comfortable traveling to the United States, but I really do feel this way, and and closer integration with that nation at this point doesn't make me feel comfortable. At least have the common curtousy to tell me you are spying on me.
  4. Yeah... the tough part about Transparacy is that no one's going to be transparent about being not transparent. I suppose that's where turst, contracts, and lawyers come into the equation. With this incident, we just took two healthy steps backs from trusting our Government officials and officers. I've lost count. Just exactly where do we stand after 7 years of Bush?
  5. Oh totally that's it! For me Phish was a great way to introduce me to older tunes through their covers. Maybe that was their downfall. I mean I could relate to them cause they were nerdy kids from the suburbs, and they had all this access to great music, and it works well for a live show playing all the greats. But then I started listening to the Originals, and then the Phish covers again, then the originals, and now... please just give me the originals... Then... atleast for my tastes, it tainted their playing abilities in my mind, in that the Originals 10 times out of 10 are far better than Phish's pass at them. Great, quirky players for sure, and by quirk... I mean alot of quirk... Zappaesque quirk... but they've got their opportunity... took it, and then had it implode into a hissy fit of primadonnaness and drugs just when they were getting to the "Oh my god, we are getting Rolling Stones big..." At that point I felt the band had too many fans... and I jumped off the band wagon... You guys can stay on... but I don't see the need to cling on to something which as I previously said... seem to have it's time and place. Would I travel anywhere to see Phish? Only if it involved public transit. And since the heady reuion is no where in sight the only thing I have left are albums and live shows. And what is a live show if nothing else than a little bit of novelty from the experience. Which makes me wonder Hal... if they aren't a Novelty act. What are they? I still like listening to some Phish songs, especially in the company of friends, and double especially if they groove out and pull out their glow sticks, and raver glasses on the 401 when "Lets go out to diner and see a movie" comes on the radio... Boiler Rat.... But when it comes to quickly skipping a phish track more often than letting it play when it comes up on the old Party Shuffle, you can't stop me. And at the end of the day, I'm entiltled to my opinion. I hear it's a new live release. I suppose you're all going out to buy it. Well when you do. Tell me how it is. I'd love to know!
  6. Well, it was easy to find a couple Knights of the Templar Lodges in Gander and in Grandfalls-Windsor. The one in Grandfalls is right on the #1 HWY. And Free Mason lodges were also abundant. So to answer your question... yes.
  7. When Phish comes on my I-tunes... for most songs, I can only think one thing: Dated. The Beatles don't... Zeppelin... not so much, but Phish... it has now become a time and a place. And that's the past. ... Billy Breathes... that one will stand the test of time however.
  8. It's depressing to have it hit your ear drums I think that's the point!
  9. I just think it's a bullshit story. Are we talking sports, or talking about people who happen to play sports? FWIW... people in general still don't know how to use the YouTube forum.
  10. Like I said, it was my own damn fault 3 weeks away from home... 10 days in Newfoundland. Yeah, I ran into them there. They were having a great time too. I can't wait to go back! I'm seriously considering moving to St. John's.
  11. Boring! I guess I'm guilty of trying to instantly hijack my own thread. My apologies... So Newfoundland eh?
  12. Naw... he's just thug life, trying to play that bullshit game. At the end of the day Mike Vick is going to go down a patsy. Can we just move on?!
  13. #268 The Twelve Most Depressing Songs..... Ever! 1. Richard Thompson - The End Of The Rainbow 2. George Michael - Careless Whisper 3. Ben Folds - Brick 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  14. Wow... that's not you're mom and pop Dog Wrestling foundation. I sit corrected. Still... what the leader of that nation approves on a day to day basis compared to this...
  15. C'mon... I need a distraction from all the crazy geo-politics in the world!
  16. Come on hippies... lets roll this one over!
  17. Is this true? I've been hearing rumors.
  18. I don't appreciate this kind of deceit from our government. The world is complicated enough as it is... play by the fuggin rules you've established... and quit changing them to favour 'your' position over the far more important 'our' position, and our right to protest as an essential vehicle to the growth and health of democracy. I'm joining the Newfoundland Liberation Army, and getting the hell outta here.
  19. Oh yeah, I also ran into a Christopher, friends of Tonin's and the Scully's at the Green Point Campground... weird coincidence... tells me Hux is working for the Conservatives now. IS THIS TRUE?! I almost died laughing.
  20. Totally agree... Then you see him run a naked bootleg for a contract extention... completely magic!
  21. After Evolve this year, went up to Newfoundland (in particular the Gros Morne area, and did a bunch of hiking. Here are some of the pictures for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure... flame away!)
  22. With all the shit in the world, this kind of news is just a star gawkingly bad as anything to do with Paris Hilton. For the amount of distraction this Vick thing gave the American main stream, he'll probably get a full on pardon from the President. I'm not trying to justify his actions, they were wrong, but try to put in in perspective, especially with how much of a circus this thing has become... there's this cultural relativism thing that just quite hasn't blossomed in the United States, nd I just wouldn't feel comfortable criticizing his actions having eaten a factory farmed animal myself in the last little while. It does confirm one thing though. Mike Vick is a fantastic player with a fantastic attitude. These guys don't win championships, see: Iverson/Marbury/Owens/Lindros/Yashin and in the crazy world of sports, Championships are all that really matters.
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