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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. They don't like to spend money on people anymore... only things. And they want to do it all themselves... It's fun to drive, and they invite the drama into their lives (in general using 'people with money' as the subgroup you 'they') Just a thought.
  2. I got a pair, I don't know where, but don't care... I'm just glad to be there.
  3. Sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can't move Awake but cannot open my eyes And the weight is crushing down on my lungs I know I can't breathe And hope someone will save me this time And your mother's still calling you insane and high Swearing it's different this time And you tell her to give in to the demons that possess her And that god never blessed her insides Then you hang up the phone and feel badly for upsetting things And crawl back into bed to dream of a time When your heart was open wide and you love things just because Like the sick and dying And sometimes when you're on You're really fucking on And your friends they sing along And they love you But the lows are so extreme That the good seems fucking cheap And it teases you for weeks in its absence But you'll fight and you'll make it through You'll fake it if you have to And you'll show up for work with a smile And you'll be better You'll be smarter More grown up and a better daughter or son And a real good friend And you'll be awake You'll be alert You'll be positive though it hurts And you'll laugh and embrace all of your friends And you'll be a real good listener You'll be honest You'll be brave You'll be handsome and you'll be beautiful You'll be happy Your ship may be coming in You're weak but not giving in To the cries and the wails of the valley below Your ship may be coming in You're weak but not giving in And you'll fight it you'll go out fighting all of them
  4. Dude... you are sooooo famous now! Can I get your signature?
  5. You're all crazy. And wrong. Except for C-towns. Surprisingly.
  6. I'm going to try to make it. Last day in Toronto before I head out East! With a brief stop to see Boiler Rats new digs up in the Bruce!
  7. What a silly argument. Everyone is right and wrong at the same time. It's a question of flavor... it's subjective. I like the NFL, cause it's insane. The faster two objects collide, the greater the force... so having all-Americans who are jacked on legal drugs for sure, and ones that aren't as legal going head to head. It's also great as a spectator to see 'little guys' taking on big guys and vice-versa. Hockey, same thing, but what you take out in terms of force and specialization in contrast to football, you add a great x-factor... knives strapped to the soles of your feet, and a close to zero friction environment. Just to learn how to play the game you have to be tough, where with the other sports, you just have to be bored enough! You also have the big guy/small guy dynamic. All sports are plagued to a critical degree with horrible officiating, poor sportsmanship, hyperegomanics, and other internal controversies, But each season is a war in their own rights. And usually the team with the best combination of intangibles do come out on top. They are all tough sports... to be sucessful within, and with the dollars on the line in comparison to say an average Joe's salary, there's plenty of games within games for all sports. I liked the ESPN stats... sure it's subjective, but it's useful, and no doubt there's a certain toughness edge between Football and Curling... but when it get's to team dynamics filled with players who could excel at individual time trial events... you're going to have a goodtime and a loyal legion of fans... Just enjoy the games, and leave it all on the field!
  8. What was the offical story behind Raggamuffin getting the boot from their 'lucrative' Thursday night gig at Babylon which led to SoulJazz taking over and using it as a solid stepping stone for their careers. I heard that the story was that someone accidentally shot themselves in the leg with the handgun they were playing with in their pocket, and then left the club on his own power. Aparantley the music kept playing and none were aware of the 'accidental' self shooting until the cops showed up a half hour later investigating this shot man that had shown up at the hospital. If it's true, that is so Ottawa.... a self-inflicted, easy to miss, cesspool.
  9. You know when you want that huge breakfast, that's really good for curing a hang over... usually called a Luberjack Special, or Truckers delight? Well Eggspectations on Bank had about 5 soild varieties of these. It's not your $5 special with coffee... but if crazy big breakfast is what you crave, then it's a good destination!
  10. Good luck on your heady trip Davey!!!
  11. Thank You POG... when I saw a Leafer had posted... I could only assume the worst. But, in this case, you read my mind... when I responded to my own assumption of the worst.
  12. Sweet little promo vid. Did anyone see Boiler Rat in there. He's famous now for sure!!! Oh yeah, and Jaydawg is sooo busted! Hehe.
  13. Congratulations to the happy looking couple!!
  14. And known as 'Straight No Chaser' back then. I still want Pierre to bring out his version of Paranoid Android, done entirely on his Hammond and Rhodes. Fuckin' Stellar work, but not as much Afro funky........... yet!
  15. sad to say it but Will has the speed record in my car as well. which was 170 km/h' date=' for pretty much all of New Brunswick after an Evolve a couple or more years ago. and sure enough on the same trip i get a ticket for going 118 km/h. [/quote'] Hehe... speeding is a skill my friend. You have to know when to hold em', know when to fold em', know when to walk away... and know when to speed.
  16. Hehe... Jared... you helped describe that special 'Thornhill' attitude that makes me dread going back home, if only for me losing my cool and beating someone to a pulp. ::What would Ghandi do... what would Ghandi do?:: I drive a 1990 Passat... handed down through the family... learned to drive on it... and have been directly involved in every maintanece of the vehicle since it's first year. It has 215,000 km's on it, so for a VW is just starting to get old. Most of the km's are highway too... and very little in inner city commuter traffic, or low velocity highway scenarios... for my sanity, and so the little bugger doesn't overheat! 3 Bonnaroos 3 Evolves 1 Trip to BC and Back About 50 Trips to and From Ottawa... I'm hoping to have this highway ready go-cart for a long time... getting a new boot for er' today so it's all ready for Newfoundland in a week or two. And got the Subwoofer so I don't have to kill my small speakers when I'm cruising on the highway. Got a Spedometor that goes to 260km/h (love those Germans ) and I've had it up to 220km on an empty decending into Ottawa stretch of the 416 on a nice clear and calm Tuesday afternoon not so long ago! Oh, it's got guts too. I can beat, most cars off the line, and if I'm going 120 and still need some juice to quickly and saftely fly by a truck at 140 or 160 ( ) , there's lots of oomph for that too. I feel lucky to have a little extra power on the highway especially after driving Boiler Rats Civic on the way to Ottawa... there was no overdrive, and it took 3 or 4 times longer to pass a truck going 110-120 on the 401 on the way to Ottawa. Now there's where you're going to have your accident! If I were to tow a boat, it would be a canoe, and that can go on top... I love the freedom it gives me to explore Canada... can't see it going to the states ever again, lest it end up incarcerated for inadvertantly smuggling narcotics, if you know what I mean... and hopefully when it's time for 'Tameus' to pack it in, it'll be time for me to go somewhere a little futher than North America...
  17. They were great fun at Bluesfest opening up for Femi on the river. I used to mow lawns with Steve Patterson, one of the horn players. He was good at lawns, but much better at helping SoulJazz to dance your ass off.
  18. Very few in my experience, have rivaled Marge's ability to 'Rock the Party'!
  19. I admit it. Weaksauce on my part. Ok' date=' ok, so I'll admit I just paraphrased what Dave-O said a couple posts before mine:
  20. Fac the mac, I want to know how you type upside down! Are you two in Australia?
  21. Thanks... I thought it was pretty fair too. I mean I didn't say Donovan was a first liner like Antropov or anything!
  22. I think the Raps just have what it takes to win the European Championship next year!
  23. STILL hungover!... I don't know if I got that bug... never really got sick sick... but haven't been myself all week. Trying to catch up on sleep, and eat lots of protein to heal my aching legs! Finally getting some good memeories of the Bluesfest floating into my conciousness now. Good to see so many familiar faces from lots of different periods in my life, and also to meet so many new ones, especially putting names to the Avatars from this board. Got some pictures, but I'm bummed, cause that new Sony Digi I got doesn't have sound for the video... it's suppose to, but I can't hear anything! Boo urns... Ah well, great times, and I still have the program... hopefully some stuff will show up on YouTube.
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