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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I watch one soccer game, and this is what I get. They should incorporate a swimming pool into the pitch, if they are going to allow that much diving. Great game to play, dumbest professional circuit, thanks to FIFA. Unless you consider the WWE a sport. Even VanMassenhoven isn't that bad.
  2. They played at least 3 notes, unless all the string were tuned to F, or C# or something. Looking forward to drinking at the fat cat in a month!
  3. Then there, hopefully that will allow us to lock down Emery. Which is still a big question mark right now.
  4. Must be easy, when Tuesday was your last day and everything!
  5. In Murray I trust. Lets just say it's nice to be able to trade one player with Cup experience, for another with more Cup experience. Albeit two games. Bottom line... the team got bigger and a little less confusing in terms of "Why can't our good players just play to their potential" vs. "He's not very good, but damn, he's trying hard"... if Doan stays a plus player, that'll be good enough... especially since Schaefer was a downer in the playoffs. Remind me of the habs players with Cup experience again?
  6. If you say that a player 25 lbs. heavier, crashes the net as opposed to playing the boards, and actually comes back over his own blue line are the same player... then we'll have some fundamental differences in how we view 'similar'. It's an interesting shake up... over achieveing third liner for under achieving 2nd liner... hopefully he'll fit in nice.
  7. After taking the 12:30 am 'shuttle' to Toronto... on Monday morning... I'm fresh as a daisy... Why is it so dark at noon? Is it still Monday?
  8. I got to the "hot pocket" during Built to spill. Just me and about 10 other people in a space you could fit 200. Did I mention this space was right next to the stage. The gap was really small... 20 ft or so from the stage to the first gate placed to protect the wiring to the sound board. So to get there, you had to go through the part right in front of the stage where everyone 'must' stand to get a good view. Of course these people wouldn't move into the open space to accomodate the others... and it wasn't even a lawn chair crowd... still we can't seem to manage to work together when the opportunity presents itself. There were people 5 rows back where the fence began who couldn't even see the gap in the fence to get in, so they just gave up and stood there. 'Someone mentioned to them about the open space, and they forced their way up and then into the vast space which awaited them... everyone who tricked their way into the section had a big smile on their face to get 'out' of the crowd... still it amazed me how many people forgoed the big open space in order to jam even closer to the stage into spaces that no doubt were saturated deciminutes before by the hard core fans who arrived early and were in no way going to move from their prime location to see what was probably one of their favourite bands.... built to spill were the best band I saw this festival in terms of my own musical tastes... what a great show! I mean if you're not standing behind people with a little room, it's hard to see dem butts a wiggling... and why would anyone want to miss out on that? Boggles my mind... oh well.
  9. Happy birthday Mike! The Constantines rule!!!
  10. You're a drug adict. Got a light?
  11. Go Sara/Jackson! Don't take any guff from your Jack White loving cronie!!
  12. Somewhere... Michael Frianti is wondering "How you feeling?"
  13. OK... I'm not ready to actualize this idea, but it came up last night, and Voodoo lady laughed, so I'll share... We go with big banners... really wide, but not too tall... that say : " If we can't dance, you can't see " Tie em together with hockey sticks and off we go! It could be worth a laugh and a punch! Who's in?
  14. That's a gay thing right?! Zing! I'm a Prime Minister!
  15. Anyone see the huge open area in front of the "new and improved" VIP section at the River stage... 200 people could fit in there easy... but it was unaccesible. I talked to a Mr. "Michael" who looked really important with his bluesfest shirt and walkie talkie, during the first set of the night. He said he would look into it... but nothing was done. There was about 10 people really having fun in this section... I decided to leave the venue to get a better view of Xavier Rudd and watch by the river. Is it just me or isn't that really retarded?
  16. Anyone see the huge open area in front of the "new and improved" VIP section at the River stage... 200 people could fit in there easy... but it was unaccesible. I talked to a Mr. "Michael" who looked really important with his bluesfest shirt and walkie talkie, during the first set of the night. He said he would look into it... but nothing was done. There was about 10 people really having fun in this section... I decided to leave the venue to get a better view and watch by the river. Is it just me or isn't that really retarded?
  17. Just so I know for later... how many is too many?
  18. I bet her kids thought crack might be a solution to her "Shoot on sight" philosophy... nothing but problems, and no semblance of a solution... she must be from Toronto. But yeah, those kids need some help and attention.
  19. Hey... I'm not scared of the Illumnati... yet. i just want to talk... And davey boy, to keep it simple, I don't have any seagull feet to use how you suggested. This could be a simple case of internet miscomunication. PM me!
  20. beards lead to a decrease in wounded seagull feet! FTR... Boiler Rat was the closest I got to an actuall illumnati this weekend... Davey boy was second when he showed me an american dollar bill... They also wouldn't put my "illumnati" text message on the big screen... unless I happened to miss it. Boo-urns.
  21. I've heard we have a similar jaw line from Gateaux... if that helps... and if Davey Boys assumption is correct... you represent the neconhippie army! Boo Ya!
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