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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Wow! This is the first I've ever heard of a sports team leaving Ottawa! hehe. You know what Ottawa needs, a professional Ultimate league, and start playing those games at Landsdowne. Fuggin' Hippies.
  2. That IS super fun! Oh Geography, is there anything you can't do?
  3. AD: You always find a reason to post those pic's. lol edit to add: Revenge!: Roller: As far as the Uniforms are concerned... they look kind of like team Canada's with the black accents from a few years ago. Sure they are different, but the subtle differnces in the design of the logo from this years to last is an improvement (eye's looking right at you... follow you around the room , dude looks more like Chris Neil... also creepy), In the Sens case, it works well going to a tri-color logo from the multi-color that some teams had and abandoned... Vancouver is an example of one that didn't go too well. I'll have to wait and see like everyone, but I think it's going to translate to a good fit for Television broadcasts. As for me, they certainly not such a problem I'd have to blog it all over the internet. , But being a real fan of the team, I find it necessary to defend my team when the blogs try to bring em' down for silly reasons like fashion, especially when it's not THAT bad... I don't care if it's irrational... but I think that's the essence of being a true fan... unconditional love! Which in this case simply means me calling out your pot shots from the cheapseats... which were probably only recieved by Sensfans and non-Sens fans in their own cheapseats! It's going to be subtle... but with players being a fraction of a second faster, and with goalies losing a bit of surface area/or just plain adjusting to the new gear, goals are going to be up, and I like what that means for the Sens... if they win... who cares what they wear?
  4. #267 Songs about places of worship 1. David Sylvian - Steel Cathedrals 2. The Ramones - Pet Semetary 3. The Stanley Brothers - Old Country Church 4. Frank Zappa - Dumb All Over 5. Radio Tarifa - La Mosca 6. Dead Kennedys - Moral Majority 7. Culture - Holy Mount Zion 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  5. OHHHHHHHHH... your number TWWWWWOOOO team... how convenient... That's all the Sens need... a fickle fan who doesn't like how the team dresses itself... Greeeat! This has Spartacus written all over it! FWIW, you shot through my rapper argument with a shotgun. Good for you.
  6. Hehe, you're welcome Booche, I thought you'd like it. Old video games are hillarious...
  7. Aparantley the Ravens haven't given up 30 pts in a game in 4 or 5 seasons. Oh yeah, and you are all fashonista thread hijackers. Cept' Guigs.
  8. Hehe, Habs fans don't like the Sens jerseys. Big deal! What's with Vancouver though? Geez... I like how the new Jerseys really give the sense of what kind of player a guy is... Spezza looks like he can't hit, which being a big guy never made sense to me when they had the baggy jerseys, but with no shoulders in the 'tighties', well... Neil on the other hand... it makes sense why he hits. It might hurt sales to rappers, and pond hockey players, but for the game it's going to be good... and the fast teams are going to get faster!!!
  9. #266 People who have never been at my house 1. Mr. Bungle - Travolta 2. Blind Melon- No Rain 3. Stompin' Tom - Big Joe Mufferaw (he lives up here, I don't think he'd go to Toronto) 4. Parliament - Mr. Wiggles 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  10. Hehe, now THAT was a lose yer shoes!!! I only wish I nailed the inside of that garbage can from 30 yards with her shoe Dave-o!.. but running with her pair after she bounce hit someone in the head with one of her shoes was kinda fun... espcially since she didn't see me drop em by Sloth and Punk! Good to hear you're back Jay, if only for a day!
  11. Yeah, ditto. Last I heard half the band got back with the Cleary parents... and Jay and Dropsy were heading back to Rivere-de-loup to drop of the rental and head back to Toronto. They were hoping to be back in Toronto by Tuesday!... gulp. <<<<<>>>>>> lol... still feels weird to do that! Hello everybody from St. Anthony's at the top of the Newfoundland island!
  12. Wow... Jay and the band were really shook at the gig in Fredricton about 18 hours after the fire. But the show went on. They are quite the troopers. Still Jays bad luck continues, as his wallet was stolen yesterday. I usually don't ask for this, but can we up the vibage a little in Cleary's direction! Still a great festival, but wow!!!
  13. Top of the morning to you Officer!
  14. I've seen 9 on the list, and loved every show I got to see of them... I suppose at the top of the list would have to of been the Pearl Jam/MMJ show at the ACC the last time around... and Radiohead at Maple Leaf Gardens... Wilco as well, as far as the top three go, I'd have to slide the White Stripes down that list a bit.
  15. Even if you're not interested in war... war is interested in you. ::Cues Dr. Who Theme Song::
  16. Yeah I read it this morning, and my initial reaction was once again, she's good at pointing out the problem, but not very quick to offer a solution. She even goes on to say that's the extent of job... to point out problems... I think she's a problem... my solution would be to muzzle her, or get her to go a little more in depth with her article showing that she's a more critical thinker and worthy of disseminating her thoughts through a mass media system.
  17. Drinking/Coke Buddies on the pay role to launder money.
  18. Nice! 5th Row 1st Balcony, centre... First show I haven't been in the top left gallery at Massey Hall! ::starts humming: Moving On Up::
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