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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I'm just upset cause I thought that my Santa was a Mushroom Dealer thread would of caught on like wild fire around these parts. But not even one comment yet.
  2. Yeah, Martin Sextons got some really good songs.
  3. ::Wipes away tear:: Have I told you how much I miss you guys?
  4. Don't Forget about Pee Wee: "The captain of the dominating Dodgers teams of the 1950s, scrappy Pee Wee Reese was a quiet force both on the field and in the clubhouse. An outstanding defensive player, he led the National League in putouts four times, double plays twice, and fielding percentage and assists once each. For almost a decade he and Jackie Robinson formed one of baseball's top double-play combinations. Reese led Brooklyn to seven pennants in his 16 seasons, his final year coming in Los Angeles, and never missed an inning of the seven World Series in which he participated." - National Baseball Hall of Fame "I was warming up on the mound, and I could hear the Cincinnati players screaming at Jackie... and then they started to get on Pee Wee. They were yelling at him, 'How can you play with this nigger?' and all this stuff, and while Jackie was standing by first base, Pee Wee went over to him and put his arm around him as if to say, 'This is my boy. This is the guy. We're gonna win with him.' Well, it drove the Cincinnati players right through the ceiling, and you could have heard the gasp from the crowd as he did it. That's one reason Pee Wee was such an instrumental person contributing to Jackie's success, Pee Wee more than anyone else, because Pee Wee was from the South. Pee Wee understood things a little better... They became very close friends, and they understood each other." - Teammate / Pitcher Rex Barney in Bums (Peter Golenbock, 1984)
  5. Ottawa WILL be the default team in NHL '07 when you load it up though. Steak Knives... mother fucking Steak Knives. Oh, and a Price of Wales Trophy... or the Campbell, I can't remember. Alfie shouldn't of touched that trophy.
  6. Hehe... in that Exit to Nashville Bootlet, Ryan Adams eludes to the fact that he just got his first song book published, and that meant that he just got his "Art Fag" card. Still didn't get him any discounts though!
  7. This year's going to be interesting. I think it'll either be a) The Young kids finally grow up and realize they CAN do it... and we'll have break out years from Fisher, Vermette, Eaves, and Kelly, leading the way for the Spezza's, Heatley's and Alfredssons to quietly fill the top ten in scoring cause of all the pressure which gets taken off of them. Nick Dimitritacos gets 10 goals! They will sign 3 of the 4 big upcoming free agents... probably lose the 4th. Then there will be the playoffs where the biggest threat might come from the west... and in the East it'll be the Rangers. or The team goes through a Stanley Cup hangover and comes out slow... the club house begins to implode with the upcoming FA year with Heatley, Spezza and Fisher all coming up... and they will trade and alter the very core of this team. It'll be fun none-the-less!
  8. Cool. I mean the money can/will be spent somewhere else. It like the glorious jobs in the recycling industry where one will work 40 hour weeks in big buildings sorting out foreign material from Pop Bottles! No real private company would do this work, cause there's little money to be made by the end product of this process... atleast compared to the cost of producing plastic pellets without having to sort through the trash. The subsidies keep it going. Now if we just managed to cut our consumption, then the bottles wouldn't end up needing to be sorted, and these cost ineffective companies would go out of business. Leaving more tax money in your pocket, so you could go out and say, buy a peice of art, or go watch a local live band! Then all those old people from Korea, and the out of work recycling laborers could for a kick ass fusion band, and help to support the customer base for the beer and spirit industry! Or something along those lines.
  9. This is a room. Your Avatar rocks BTW. How do I get my WebCam to transmit a live feed?
  10. The Cardinals are a TIGHT band. Have you seen the quotes where Ryan says we don't even play for the audience anymore... "we play for ourselves." His solo singer/songwriter stuff is a good showcase of Ryans skills too. Have you heard any of "Exit Nashville"? Gillian Welch makes a guest appearance.
  11. Yeah... out of work... picking up trash. Probably the most anticipated job for the elderly. Maybe if people threw out their own trash they could pay these people to do something else with the money they set aside for them.
  12. Hey... maybe you don't know this... but there's a forum for video's in the Forum Index, called the YouTube Forum. I did watch it and very interesting. I like seeing mathematicians get excited about math. "There's are an infinite infinites above infinity!", "It was such a DANGEROUS idea", "The illuminati visited him after his discovery" yadda, yadda, yadda.
  13. He's as good as Jeff Tweedy at Rhythm Guitar IMO. Better singer. Take it or leave it.
  14. I would wager that with a little give or take, the amount of waste the people at Bonnaroo/Bluesfest leave behind at a festival, is about the same as the amount of garbage they would generate into their own cans, if they just stayed at home... what so shocking is that we actually can see it. Same goes for poop.
  15. Well... it's a tipping point kind of thing. Free markets for sure. But this idea of coersion, and power tripping by the elite of the world does not fit my idea of a free market. But lets just say we actually take the subsidies off the table (atleast the nations which afford them). There would be such a dramatic shift in the economy, I wouldn't even know where to begin. So many things would happen, but it's my raw belief, that the final outcome would be far more egalitarian, and far more sustainable for us humans, and more harmonious with the planet.
  16. I think starting kids off with heaps of debt in order to secure jobs that will pay you enough to pay off those debts is a subtle form of coersion which is used by the 'power mongers'. That and feeding an addiction to materialism vs. socialism (not the communist kind). These subtle coersions are very effective when they are manipulated with the 'ridual pools' of negativity... eg. the cumulative effect of herding through subsidies and consumption has lead to and obese population, other health risks, the cutting down of the rain forsest, and treat the animals like shit while they are alive... among other things... yet we still have a market for fast foods, pharmasuticals (to fight the high blood pressures, and other things that come from eating too much meat), global warming/climate change issues, and we all subtaly contribte to the sometimes cruel and harsh environment these animals grow up in. It takes something which is natural... like eating, and existing in a ecosystem, into something which seems to want to devour us from the inside out. Which is scary, cause as you said, most of us seem to live in our heads!
  17. I prefer to look at it as what do I have to look forward to next year... I will not miss those really really warm days though. I hate those, and hate that our energy use actually goes up because of it!
  18. Lots of good points... but just to focus on this... I can agree. Can I coerce you into playing guitar in a band? Or coerce you into say helping me move? My point is that some coercion is good, and manageable... it's just when you get the collective pull of hundreds, thousands, and millions of people pulling in the same direction, you get some harsh risiduals which 'pool' in certain places. You may be correct about people living in their heads... I think that true for the vast majority... but when an idea is born, and the pursuit of power begins, it becomes real, and the will becomes manifest. That's the agreement... I'll work for you, I'll tune my intellegence to you needs, but I won't worry about the ends of my effort... it's too complicated. Just as long as the cheques come through... but no doubt there's an idea person at the top of that organization... someone who isn't trapped in their head, but certainly trapped against reality, and willing to amass and army in order to fight it.
  19. I just listened. Wow... what a departure. It went from singer songwriter with backing band to full on music project... They really seem to be showcasing the lead guitar player, and have other lead singers?!! And the song writing isn't nearly as good as her last couple of albums. No, do not like it... they're knocking on sell out door forsure. Just like Kanye.
  20. Conservative in that Steven Harper tells him to jump, and he says "how high?" This could be true, it could be false. I'm just throwing it out there cause I heard a rumour from a mutual acquaintance....... In Newfoundland. LONG LIVE DANNY WILLIAMS!
  21. The thought that keeps bouncing around my head regarding power is just how finite and measurable the Power scale can be: Even down to how efficient we are with it. We can see it, when we look at how we choose to fizzle away gasoline and its cost, both in labour, migration, conflict, social status. I would say that our total efficency regarding the power output surounding our current consumption of oil is not very good (or at least not at its full potential). But I digress. It seems to me that it's fair to say that one person has the equivalent of one lifetimes worth of work in them (potency varies by specimens)... so when someone gets an inclination of power, and into the comptitive sphere of the economy, it's a natural progression to require labor to accelerate an idea into a competitive environment. Therefore it's fair to see how an idea, which one realizes can barely be accomplished in just one life times worth of labour, looks outward for others to donate, er, um sorry, pay for their lifetimes (or vast significant chunks of it) to fulfill this need. The reason why I say this, is that I fear there is a limit as to the amount which is safe for one man to weild... and now, and throughout history we have seen the folly of individuals who drive a labour force to a self inflicted disaster. In relation to this thread... I think we get a wiff of the exaust of this brutal vehicle anytime George Bush comes to town.
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