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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. Congrats to you and your girlfriend, Brian! What a great way to start off the new year!!
  2. Most Deadheads like us Canadians and I sense the kind scene at the Hamilton shows has a lot to do with that. These two little guys, Scarlet and Fire, were "born" on March 22, 1990 at Copps and are sitting in our living room.
  3. how on earth do those 3 bands end up on the same bill??!!
  4. phishtaper


    im lazy. sounds like too much work.
  5. very true. unlike so many dead shows in the states, the cops in hamilton were very relaxed and almost accomodating. the lot across from copps became a full on shakedown. if you ventured outside of it with anything that the cops figured you shouldn't have, you were just directed back into the lot. the city took a non-confrontational approach and it worked really well. really good vibe to the shows. i miss dead shows. i miss the fat man.
  6. i havent seen any of them, pb, but will keep an eye open. still a month away. what a cool looking club too.
  7. Yes yes, coldplay sucks the most ...
  8. t'is more efficient to ask for forgiveness than permission. move in, then sneak rover in once it gets dark ...
  9. i know it's less than transparent, but I dont think you are under any obligation to tell a prospective landlord that you have a dog. they cannot refuse you a pet, and just telling them you have one before they make their decision to rent to you or not could limit your possibilities, especially if speed is a factor.
  10. please. thats what paper bags are for ... OMG, did he just say that?! yes, he did.
  11. yes, if the other bands joining TAB on the bill included 10 minute sets by Pork Tornado, Ramble Dove and Vida Blue, followed by a 3 hour, four man jam by the leaders of each of them.
  12. trey played alpine solo once before in 2001 and its one of his favourite venues. but he ain't gonna fill 40,000+ seats solo now, let alone for two nights. he could barely sell out 3000 seat theaters on his last tour in fall 2006. this will be a Phish weekend and it will be monumental. book them campsites now!
  13. Happy BDay Mama! May your day be filled with delicious pink cherries and a tub of whipped cream.
  14. isnt that pic of fake trey from syracuse? besides, for a dude who spells the name of his band with a P-H, I dont think he'd do too well in a scrabble tournament. funny pic, tho'
  15. on a slightly more serious level than my previous post ... of the ones that ive attended, ive always like the ones that were more a party than an obvious fundraiser. crown and anchor games are fun, but if 80% of the evening's fun involves people forking over cash, that may not be well received. check into locals halls, like unions, veterans, italian-canadian clubs, etc. im sure there are a lot of smaller german clubs in kw. makes sure the location is convenient, and/or you can ensure safe rides home. remember, you may be legally responsible for people afterwards. and yes, a trampoline is a must-have.
  16. hookers for the dudes, rainbow parties for the broads. simple. the bride's mother will love it.
  17. friday / saturday run in july. nice. i'm going to go. sounds like fun. how do I get tix? dun dun dunt .... willlllllson ....
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