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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Reggae Got Soul - Toots and the Maytals Gimme Some Lovin' - G-Love Make Me an Angel - John Prine
  2. Sucks that the games are on during the day. I hate watching sports when I already know the outcome.
  3. Last nights game was awesome. Just when I thought they couldnt find more pathetic ways to lose they came through in the clutch once again. In case you missed it: Jays down by one in the tenth. Bases loaded, none out. Jays score zero runs, lose the game. Cant wait to see what they have in store for us tonight!
  4. We should have pooled our resources together and bid on it. Fuck, another missed opportunity, way to go guys.
  5. Yes. I know. :susel: Last years they had very comparable numbers. Should have figured Meche had kinda peaked while Lincicum is basically pure potential. Oh well.
  6. Olives stuffed with almonds??? Going on the grocery list tonight! Olives kick some serious ass.
  7. But seriously, has anyone seen Into the wild?
  8. I dont own one - maybe I am a hippy after all!
  9. Cool dude. I was just trying to say that there seems to be a trend of Hippy calling on here as well. As you were folks....
  10. Nope. Referring to myself. Just cuz I dont agree with you on this, doesnt mean you can lump me in with "high, holy hippie-types." I dont even own a bike, I eat at McDicks from time to time and I watch a ton of TV. If I were to generalize as you have Id say that its a shame everyone on this board seems old and jaded and seems to just take the other side because they have gotten sick of having morals and ethics (and its a lot easier to just go along with things than it is to question). But would that really be fair?
  11. Good Point Zimmy. But it doesnt matter, cuz we all need to get paid. Dont matter how.
  12. Ive seen the Experiment - its great! I love those types of flicks! Dogville Series 7 Battle Royale Storytelling Id reccommend either of these too. Also Cabin Boy.
  13. Golen Dogs? Be Good Tanyas? Are they really mainstream? When I was a teenager, if I heard a band in Zellers commercial they would become immidiately uncool. Same with Car commercials. Absolutely freakin lame. Beer commercials were always different.
  14. Im on the fence. Part of me agrees with new rider, the other part says where's the fuckin Rock N roll in selling your song to a Zellers commercial? Remember Rock N Roll people?? Remember rebellion and saying Fuck You to the man? What ever happened to that? Now our favorite artists sell their songs to crappy companies that dont give a shit about you or anyone else. Obviously in the grand scheme of things it really doesnt matter, but deep down everyone feels a little ripped off. I know I do.
  15. Yup. It'll never happen. Remember when they tried to get rid of McLean?
  16. Great. My neighbour is Portugese and hes having all his buddy's over on Saturday to watch the game. Not a portugal fan - however his frineds are gigantic and look like gangsters so for the sake of my son still having a father by the end of the day Ill have to be cheering for whatshisface pretty boy and his team. More than likely though, ill try to find a Turkey T-shirt tonight
  17. I think thats probabaly what I like about it. Its real.
  18. I belive in one thing and one thing only - the Magic 8 ball at Mousepad's place. It talks and I listen.
  19. I absolutely love international soccer football tourneys! Dont have a team to root for though. My mom and Sister live in Spain, so guess Ill have to go for them. Then again, I always find myself being partial to Poland. Maybe this is their year.
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