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Everything posted by meggo

  1. hahaha, eff off sloth!! she looks adorable in that green harness and you should *hear* all the compliments she gets as for the nylon rope, well... i'll give you that. PS i also love this thread.
  2. can i post from facebook? let's see... http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs193.snc1/6489_105854457186_511937186_2614490_2839456_n.jpg this is banjo! lots of you know her already.
  3. hey engrish! will you be at vandy's next weekend? i have a bunch of dog training books you can borrow, including the one sloth mentioned. if you're interested. if i could add my 2 cents, i would definitely recommend taking her for a nice tiring walk in the morning if you're not already doing that. less energy to be anxious with [or so says cesar].
  4. i tried putting fruit in a glass last year and it totally did not work. i think those fruit flies were mocking me.
  5. fack! i was going to post the same thing. i noticed them yesterday on a lime that we left out over night... every year! and it seems once they're here, they're here til winter, despite all my attempts. i must say though, i've had good luck with the sticky paper. but it is disgusting.
  6. i only caught three days so i just have one, PAOLO NUTINI!!, in capital letters even. soooo much fun. sharon jones said a few words about MJ but i don't think they did any musical tribute. PAOLO!
  7. did anyone see devotchka? i was sorry to miss them.
  8. i like how they keep calling the fans "revellers". funny.
  9. sounds good to me! gracias
  10. question about this week's delivery -- we are trying to identify two things. item #1 - they look like tiny white onions with long green stems item #2 - they appear to be an herb or cooking green -- they kind of look like mint, and darren says they kind of smell lemony i haven't been able to find anything on their website to help me. any ideas?
  11. shoot! i should've known you'd be there phorbesie. i didn't go to the JH cause i didn't have a date!
  12. if you like walking, i always like walking along the lakeshore and past all those really old houses... not sure about the street name. i think it is the same street that the penitentiary is on. also there is that nice little open-air market in the square [in front of morrison's i think?] -- but i don't remember which day of the week that happens. and if you like boats, you can walk down to the marinas and have a look around. i like boats.
  13. such a stickler for details with sadness i am opting out, couldn't get my act together in time. have a SUPER night you guys! give baby sierrah a hug and a kiss for me!
  14. woo-hoo! i hope all the festivities go as planned despite the strike.
  15. i'm so tempted to go to this! but it would mean missing canada day in the capital. decisions, decisions!!
  16. saywhat? nope, i had no idea they were playing! boohooo!!!
  17. wowee!! i have just started listening to some great lake swimmers, hope i can catch that one.
  18. meggo

    home-made burgs

    omg! that's a little embarrassing. i wonder why it didn't come up in a search?
  19. meggo

    home-made burgs

    i had a quick search but couldn't come up with a burger thread - this seems strange, please forgive me if this is a repeat. what do you like to put in your homemade burgers? we're thinking onion, garlic, S&P, maybe some cumin & cayenne?
  20. since this is a thread about architecture, i would like to toot my grandpa's horn! he was an architect [birdy will be very familiar with this!]. grandpa joe the architect
  21. has anyone tried hotwire? the commercials are very convincing. also what about the old econo-lodge standby? is that the right 'hood?
  22. DTB website shows 5 canadian dates towards the end of june. i would be all over this if he were coming to my town! june 23rd winnipeg june 25th edmonton june 26th calgary june 27th vancouver june 28th victoria see for yourself! http://www.derektrucks.com/events
  23. scott adams is a friend from chatham. woot woot
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