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Everything posted by meggo

  1. PS i am all about the courtesy flush.
  2. i cannot stop giggling at this. is that a bad sign?
  3. here's one from jamie oliver: sautéd jerusalem artichokes with garlic and bay leaves Jerusalem artichokes are sweet and almost garlicky and mushroomy and gorgeous. Although called artichokes they’re actually tubers – like rough and ready potatoes. You can scrub and roast them whole like mini jacket potatoes and split them open, drizzled with a little chilli oil. You can even use them in a salad with smoky bacon. A Jerusalem artichoke’s best friends are sage, thyme, butter, bacon, bay, cream, breadcrumbs, cheese and anything smoked. To serve 4, you will need 600g/1lb 6oz of Jerusalem artichokes. Peel them, then cut them into chunks. Place them in an oiled frying pan and fry on a medium heat until golden on both sides, then add a few bay leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced, a splash of white wine vinegar, some salt and pepper, and place a lid on top. After about 20 to 25 minutes they will have softened up nicely and you can remove the lid and the bay leaves. Continue cooking for a couple of minutes to crisp the artichoke slices up one last time, then serve straight away. Personally, I think they go well with both meat and fish and are particularly good in a plate of antipasti, or in soups or warm salads.
  4. apparently they are not from jerusalem, nor are they an artichoke. discuss.
  5. that's crazy. i just posted this Q in the bryson farms thread! ha.
  6. what are you going to do with the jerusalem artichokes? i am looking for a recipe..
  7. i was listening to a study about this and they said the same -- handsfree phones are equally dangerous. i was surprised by that. i know [and d_rawk will attest] that i am NOT a safe driver when talking on my cell. now i keep it put away!
  8. sweet potato soup = deeeeeleeeeshis. - 3 sweet potatoes and one red potato - half inch dice - coat in melted butter - roast in 400 degree oven 15 mins - stir around, put in for another approx 15 mins - might want to throw some garlic cloves in to roast too! *in the meantime* - sautee 2 cups chopped leeks & 2/3 cup chopped celery in a heavy soup pot for 4 minutes or so - after the potatos are roasted, add to soup pot - cook a few minutes - add 6 cups chicken broth - bring to almost boil then simmer 20 mins - stick immersion blender in there til it's nice and thick! EAT! i also threw in some sprouts since we're overloaded. it was SO tasty.
  9. um, hullooo... JEFFERSON's!
  10. i like that it took 3 days for someone to post something post-show
  11. tomorrow: sweet potato soup!
  12. starting to get tomatoes...ya!
  13. ouchie! newrider = mean cow
  14. thanks schwa! i got this in an email awhile ago but i lost it. i think italy is my favourite.
  15. it stinks. there is a pulp & paper mill there.
  16. meggo

    Foodie Challenge

    soooo did you do it??
  17. oh lordy. thank you sharon!
  18. finally!! thanks for the info!
  19. i heart gordie johnson. and the spades! there for sure! pls tell me it's a weekend... edit: fack, sorry. a wednesdsay. oh well, i don't work mornings anymore, yippee!
  20. you give good advice C! your cauliflower caution made me lol.
  21. calgary jazz fest & MMW, together, june 23rd! lucky calgarians
  22. britannia beach, dow's lake and tulip festival! [don't know if you'll still be around for that, but just in case.. ]
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