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Everything posted by edger

  1. Apologies in advance for the hi-jack Blane... BWM I am not involved with CAH. I used to , and on a less frequent basis, still do cross paths with many of the project members through work with Environment Hamilton. I thought you might have known John given your thesis title. Maybe I'll look it up Phishtaper, what exactly if your connection/area of study? I have often wondered this based on some of your postings. I always enjoyed my interactions with Alina. She has also helped me out by providing references in the past. It has been a while since we have chatted. I am a little embarassed to say that I was not aware of the fact that she left Mac. Not surprised about the move given her background. I never knew she was a 'gordo fan' either
  2. Is one able to get tickets at the door on the night of, and if so, for what price?
  3. Ha! I did didn't I. Well I guess that changes everything.
  4. I actually don't really know Steve that well. I almost signed on to a project that he is involved with looking at health care equity in South Africa, but declined after finding out I was pregnant. I work with John Eyles who has worked with Steve and other CHEPA members on a couple of projects. My PhD is in Geography. More specifically I'm interested in the role of power/knowledge within environmental health governance. Basically a focus on interactions between science/'evidence' and politics at various scales of governance. These days i'm focusing on how this all plays out within chemical management. In the past, I have taken a few courses with Alina Gildiner who is pretty active with CHEPA as well. Small world.
  5. Get on down off that balcony Brad and show the USWM some interpretive dance!!
  6. A lot of haze to sift through to pull some of those memories out so I'm not sure of much, but I think you might be right NW.
  7. Amongst other bands. Regardless of the tactics used, this is basically the bottom line I figure. I would love to go to this show. It's not looking good for me, but stranger things have happened.
  8. BWM, did you happen to work with Steve Birch? I'm 2 and a half weeks away from my comps exams, so a little behind you folks, and therefore probably not in much of a position to be giving advice. Blane are you doing a 'sandwich' thesis or a more basic format? The last defense I attended was the former, and my only advice if you're doing the same would be to ensure that the connection between papers is explicitly clear. How exciting!! Best of luck!
  9. Didn't Raisinhead play Come Together one year (at izzy's)? I seem to have a vague recollection...
  10. Thanks so much for the reviews guys. I was dissapointed to have missed this show. Between preparing for my comps exams and tending to my little monkey of a son that still doesn't believe in sleeping through the night, it just wasn't in the cards. Would have been nice to reconnect with some folks, and meet some of you skanks on here that I probably should have met a long time ago.
  11. That's great news!! I was actually thinking about these folks the other day and wanting to ask if any 'new developments' had taken place yet...but I'm always a little hesitant to ask in advance...ya never know. Thrilled to hear you have a healthy baby girl on your hands. I love the name!
  12. Happy birthday and thanks for the many inputs to the board
  13. Man, you guys are drumming up some great memories for me. It has been a very long time since I have frequented the hip. I think I am overdue.
  14. Count me in for dancing and some table throwing. Don't quote me, but I do believe you're right about the $7 SB. Absolute Route, are you breaking loose tonight?
  15. Fat Cats will be playing at the Corktown Tavern in Hamilton this Friday Sept. 25th. I do believe this is their first show back in the Hammer since the closing of pepperjacks. Come on out and play folks if you're able.
  16. Happy birthday Cully. Hope you are well and good. Cheers!!
  17. Yeah, I posted a similar 'ever heard of this guy' thread about 2-3 years back. My friend's band shared a bill with him in Vancouver, which is where I first came across him. I was pretty impressed...he showed some maturity and depth beyond his years even then. I haven't heard any of his new stuff yet, but have always wanted to catch him on tour...haven't been able to manage that yet though. But thanks for the reminder that I should pick up his disc.
  18. Thanks for the post SM. Just out of curiousity, what area of law do you specialize in?
  19. Saturday was fun too (the only day i was able to be there for). The Dirk Quinn Band was smokin' good, and a great new addition to the festival. Really tight and talented. All instrumental. The steel drum and trumpet player was incredible, and added a real unique sound. The bass player was sick. Lots of cool teases (floyd, trey, beatles). Rest of the day/night was also fun. It had been a couple of years for me, so being back in the saloon was kind of surreal. Good turnout, but I was surprised by how few people I knew. Interesting.
  20. Oh. Boo. I think that would have been one of my highlights. Oh well. Still lots of goodness to be had.
  21. Was a great gathering last night for a hell of a gal. Happy birthday Sheebs!
  22. While I'm only getting the chance to get up there for one day/night, i'm still looking forward to this. Our plan is to roll in on Saturday afternoon. Looking forward to checking out the 'new' band there Deeps, and definitely the Stand Up Guys (and all to follow). Briefly looked up the Dirk Quinn band as I have never heard them before, and it looks as though that has the potential to be a great set as well. Let the good times roll! And sunshine too? Who would have thunk it.
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