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Everything posted by edger

  1. edger

    TURF talk

    Very nice. Can't do it all, so this wasn't in the cards for me, but I would have loved to have seen Felice Brother and Dawes in particular. How were they?
  2. Tiiiimmmmyyyy!! Stick around brother.
  3. Ha very nice. Might as well might as well.
  4. edger

    TURF talk

    Thanks for the review. I didn't think She and Him was even playing together anymore for some reason.
  5. Haha! Don't do it. Heed the self-righteous path...the thought never crossed my mind
  6. There's no words for this kind of inspiration
  7. Not that you can really tell, but I'm not sure that even looks like Bobby in the photo... Regardless a sad story, but I can see the humour...especially when one is stuck in airport purgatory
  8. Yes this is a plus. I hope security just rolls with it.
  9. I know an announcement like that should make me happy but can't help but think really? Sad and ridiculous state of affairs. Having said that I'm over it. Its going to be one enthusiastic crowd that's rarin to go! Won't be letting any corrupt ticketing system rain on my parade. Hope to meet some of you for the first time, and reconnect with many where its been too long!
  10. Indeed. Have a good one.
  11. Yes I've been happy to see that you've continued to help bring us the jam, even if from afar. Many thanks!
  12. Felt my excitement rev up a notch or two today!!!
  13. Haha...Tweedy...well said
  14. Theory of a Deadman David Clayton Thomas Taboo Mickey Hart Chubby Checker The price is certainly right
  15. And a risk that the individuals who are involved in such activity take. If you are openly trafficking or consuming stuff that has the potential to destroy people in an offensive manner (which is all a matter of relative perception) than perhaps you should run into some trouble. At the very worst I could maybe see grounds for shutting the festival down, or fining to the point where it forces a shut down. I've seen WAAAY sketchier stuff go down at the "well-run" festivals like Bonnaroo, and accept that as an inherent risk whenever I willingly choose to attend an event that is that large. I'm not sure who sleeps better at night knowing one passive hippy is locked up with violent criminals.
  16. https://www.stlbeacon.org/#!/content/29958/encore_tebeau_jgb_032013 This was the original article I came across that kind of tweaked my interest. It was written prior to him being sentenced and speaks to his point of view a little more. I have no idea what the festival itself was like, so I don't have a fully informed opinion but Gratefulfest is definitely the immediate comparison that came to mind. There has been a lot of controversy in recent years about that festival due to apparent pressure that the owner was facing from local law enforcement to clamp down on any illicit activity. I haven't been there in a few years so I don't know what its like now, but to me it was far from sketchy. It was a beautiful venue, one that I brought my eight month old son to. Beautiful place to swim, kind people, great music, rootsy (relatively) small feel to it, awesome vendors. Certainly there were drugs around but I don't recall ever seeing anything alarming or threatening myself. I remember there seemed to be an unspoken rule about there being no pot down on the beach where kids were swimming, etc. I do also recall there being signs about no crack, meth, hard stuff, etc. which was the first time I ever saw "selective" drug warnings as part of a festival. In years since I have been I have heard about some significant shake-downs and arrests that occurred which turned some people away and resulted in the owner receiving a lot of flack for it as well. If the two festivals are indeed similar than to me its a huge injustice that this man, with a young family that simply wanted to share music and good times with others and of course make a living while doing so, is serving hard time while corporate and violent criminals have a hay day.
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