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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yeah I get the whole we must go on playing music thing, but to play the very same day was a bit shocking to me too. But people deal with grief in different ways
  2. Fuck Stubhub I just can't do it. Not trying to be all high and mighty at all. I understand why one would. But it just pisses me off to no end
  3. Ok so I was completely naive apparently. I can't believe the best that could be pulled when signing on right at ten was 400s and lawn. I refreshed for twenty minutes.
  4. Tickets secured!! In case anyone else is contemplating as of now you have to call direct. International orders cannot be processed online due to fraud issues they had last year apparently.
  5. Few of my most memorable, favourite shows at that joint. But ya shudder nonetheless
  6. I'll be sure to wave to you from the pit if I get lucky tomorrow
  7. chin up buttercup. Perhaps naively so, but somewhat confident tomorrow will be easier
  8. Haha holla. Makes the many sweet moments all the sweeter
  9. That'd be a tough ticket too! Would love to see them at Massey again
  10. I know better than to twist hard (or you'll 5&*#&&&* kill me). Now to just get over the ticket issue. Have to call "Angel" today as Canucks are getting denied when attempting to purchase online. So much summer planning in the last 48 hours...makes me manic!!
  11. The troops be rallying...and yes Phil's guests are sweet. Probably helped seal the deal for me amongst other things
  12. Stoked to see these guys at Vibes this year
  13. Todd, Gatch and Dave doing an acoustic trio. I do believe there is an earth day/lights out theme for this show but I really don't know the details. If I were to hazard a guess for this show it will likely be a relatively earlier start. Probably ninish. Anyways, should be good times.
  14. edger

    RIP Stompin' Tom

    Yup its heartening to see the patriotism light up across the country. The youngins' should know/be reminded of these songs and stories.
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