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Everything posted by edger

  1. Indeed not...esp if you're referring to his vocal prowess. This is huge exciting news. I'm a little sad about the price jump only because this festival had such a great small-town community, family feel to it. Dundas and its people are near and dear to my heart and this will certainly price many people out of the market, and possibly change some of the elements that I loved so much about the festival. I suppose Dundas in general has increasingly become more affluent anyways... Having said that its a really nice venue, great cause, I hope they keep up with all of the local vendors...exciting news all around and definitely on my radar.
  2. Time will tell, but this story and speculation couldn't get much worse... http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/05/28/rob_ford_crack_scandal_fears_fords_aide_sought_video_spark_police_probe.html
  3. In! Haven't seen DMB since 2005, and the moe. opener sweetened the deal for me.
  4. Haha! This made me snarf my fruit smoothie nearly right outta my nose...it burned. But a great visual nonetheless. Sounds like an incredible experience
  5. My love and respect for Phil has really blossomed over the years.
  6. In case anyone might be interested...I thought this was a comprehensive, albeit depressing summary http://scienceblogs.com/confessions/2013/05/20/the-canadian-war-on-science-a-long-unexaggerated-devastating-chronological-indictment/ Cheerio
  7. Likely too far for it to be a realistic getaway for me...
  8. Yes I just saw this late last night. It sounds pretty damn sweet to me!
  9. Getting excited for this one, and so is my little guy. Looking forward to sharing this with him and good company. Stretching it out into a weekend of fun and jam at a kid-friendly hotel, that my buddy described as "just shady enough that we won't be hassled for the guitars and singing. Family friendly, but families that have an appreciation for a nice cold beer around the pool"....
  10. RRE is one of my favourite bands to see live. This might just be the chance to take my boy out to see them too.
  11. Hmmm...weird. I think this is the first I even heard about this. Willie at Massey is a surefire case of the goosebumps
  12. The only part that got me was the interpretive dance. But generally he cracks me right up
  13. I'm not sure if that explains my sentiments DB or if I'm just confused. He could have been funnier
  14. Yes was SO excited to hear they were playing the Danforth, but alas, the same night as the beginning of Simcoe Stopover. Guess I'll just have to wait til the Saturday night to see them. Danforth would have been a splendid venue to see them tho. Too bad they aren't doing a show in St. Johns Nfld, I suspect they would have liked the city and be well received.
  15. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/celebrities/judge-orders-lauryn-hill-counseling-over-claims-music-industry-exploitation Thought this was interesting...
  16. At the expense of being painfully obvious, gad dang they have so many great effin songs
  17. Any sort of violence tends to make me want to curl up in a fetal position, but can't help but think hell yeah...
  18. Oh that's too bad. I was literally just watching an episode of metal evolution where slayer was heavily featured... I dig that show btw
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