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Everything posted by edger

  1. Hmmm. Love and rest for Bobby
  2. The whole approach is so damn shady. We might as well just forgo ticketmaster altogether and deal directly with scalpers
  3. Agreed on all counts. But there's nobody listed there that really entices me.
  4. Bob Weir to join the tour for the first four dates.
  5. Lie Witness News - Coachella 2013
  6. Perhaps its an embarrassment round here to admit that I've probably only listened to about 15% of the names on there (and for some, limited listens at that). Having said that, of that 15% they're all great bands and I highly suspect I'd be introduced to all kinds of wonderful sounds if able to make it out. Still haven't made the Hillside journey, which is kind of crazy considering how close it is to me. This year isn't going to be the year either, but a reminder that I should probably get there soon.
  7. Sam Bush, Old Crow, and Chuck Meade sit in with the Crows....well I'll be...DAMN! http://www.jambands.com/news/2013/04/22/sam-bush-old-crow-medicine-show-and-chuck-mead-sit-in-with-the-black-crowes/
  8. No mention of a suspect three or four on the news coverage I saw... Can still barely wrap my head around all this
  9. Yeah I had thought that was the case but was too lazy to confirm at the time. Too bad, I missed them last year at Darien too (but only after catching them the day before at All Good). So...yeah I'll survive.
  10. So incredibly inspiring. Thanks for the lift, I needed that today. Can't wait til September!!
  11. So bittersweet. God does his voice ever tear me open. The music remains alive and well.
  12. Yeah through family she definitely held her place in my musical soul. Plus she guest starred on Trailer Park Boys. She was a light.
  13. It was pretty amazing to watch people running towards the carnage in order to help people. I would like to think, but am highly suspect that I would react with such selfless bravery and humanity.
  14. edger

    Delfest 2013

    Yes I went two years ago with a great crew. Had a fantastic time. It was a really tough call not to go this year, and this thread tugs at me a bit given I won't be going this time. But confident I'll be back again some day. I was blown away at how relatively small this festival is for the talent that is there. Nice venue too nestled in the hills. The late nights are completely worth the purchase. They will most likely sell out before the event itself so if fence sitting go for it for sure. I'm holding out hope that a few on this line-up will get added to Vibes...namely Trampled By Turtles, Spirit Family Reunion and/or Old Crow. Seems a possibility between Newport and Floyd Fest which are the same weekend...
  15. Hmmm guess that means they'll probably play the Friday for Vibes? I wonder if Tedeshi Trucks will play Sunday for vibes? I doubt both of them and Phil would all be on the Friday? Maybe depending on who else gets announced. Wonder if they'll tour in the fall
  16. Ha! The real sad part is how long it took me to get that. And I'm a mom.
  17. Its so ridiculous its funny. I'll have to think really long and hard about this one...oh to be exclusive
  18. Happy birthday to you Brad!
  19. Absolutely. But the whole process indeed took a moment to process. This ticket grab stuck out as an anomaly to me.
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