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Everything posted by edger

  1. Good times. I was a little choked that Sadies started earlier than 7:30 as printed on the ticket. Only caught their last two songs but they sounded great and quaint to see Bachman up there with them. I thought their rendition of No Time was good. And the sound was pretty clear and crisp throughout the whole night I thought (other than when Neil didn't want it to). Los Lobos was one of my favourite parts of the night. So great to move to. I hadn't seen them since Roadside Attraction...can't even remember what year. '95 maybe? They have such a unique sound...not sure how I'd describe it and not sure I'm aware of what East L.A. Swing means but to me they had this rippin fusion of Cajun Latin psychedelia going on. Neil and the Horse were extra raw and raunchy. Probably the most stretched out I've ever seen him play. I hadn't heard anything off the new album yet and yes walk like a giant I remember being a highlight. Loved the eerie whistling too. Admittedly deaked out early to get a jump on traffic now that I have the trek back to Waterloo so I missed Johnny Rotten and Helpless. Foggiest drive back ever...I was having a very hard time staying awake so probably best I left when I did.
  2. Yes, killer song. One of my faves off a great album. I really wish I could make it out to the Hamilton show this Sunday but unfortunately I do not think it will be in the cards. Great to hear he has a new album brewing.
  3. In! Meeting up with a few folk at Bier Markt or however its spelled prior. See you on the floor.
  4. I hope this got a good turnout! Unfortunately two trips to Toronto for me in one week is pretty much out of the question, but I know how good this must have been.
  5. Both bands sounded great. A fun time. Good folk, but sparse. I hope you guys get the support that is deserved.
  6. I had an amazing show. I just wasn't ready for the music to stop and stumble back out into the streets to the real world. I was front right of centre most of the night and from where I was standing the sound was pretty good I thought for the Opera House. There was an incredible amount of energy under that roof. It was a great crowd and so nice to see so many people from the past and present of this loose community. The Sugaree, Cassidy, Row Jimmy is where things kicked into action for me, so pretty much from the get go. I got sucked in and couldn't leave. I don't think I even managed to get a drink or go to the washroom and I remember by the end feeling so thirsty!! Oh yeah, right...sustenance! The Scarlet, and Peggy-o from first set were also highlights. And there was this dungeon like bad ass bass line from the music never stopped of all songs that was running through my head post-show for hours. Crazy Fingers into Stella Blue was probably my absolute highlight and sent me soaring into a sweet harmonious space. And the Mr. Charlie was, as mentioned, so so groovy to dance to. All in all a great show for me, but I got a little lost after that and wasn't feeling any of the post show shennanigans. Lost that loving feeling and called it a night. Wish I could have caught them again in Buffalo. Heaps of fun and nostalgia.
  7. Nice to hear that people slowly but surely seem to be finding the tickets they're seeking. I'm laughing at myself for how stoked I am for tonight. Guess its been a little too long since I've been to a show. Butterflies, moonbeams and zebras jumpin' around my tummy right now. Such a great contingent of folk coming out of the woodwork tonight too so I'm sure that has lots to do with it. Hope to see y'all there!
  8. So what event was that out of curiousity? Or is that tight lipped?
  9. Leave that poor dead horse alone!
  10. So the Caution Jam "duo" is presumably Les and Erik? Good to know, and close to the venue too.
  11. You made me spit out my wine! Ha!
  12. On the somewhat surprisingly plus side there's more heads still pokin' around these parts than I was starting to figure. And hungry heads at that if they're willing to come out on a week night. And to the Opera House at that!
  13. So anyone know what time this show will go to and if there's anything going on musically afterwards?
  14. I'm happy for the band that they are playing in a sold out venue now, but I know quite a few people that will likely be dissapointed that they now will be shut out (I think with the venue change many were under the impression that getting tickets in advance was not necessary). But I suppose the that's the risk one takes.Would a sold out opera house not have resulted in a well attended Danforth? I don't know how significant their differences in capacity are... Either way, SUPER happy I have my ticket in advance, and very much looking forward to the show.
  15. Diesel Dog with support from Revery Eyes and Sorry Cousins. Playing at Homegrown Hamilton (27 King William St., Hamilton) Music starts at ten, $10 Should be good times! Always love grooving to the diesel
  16. "Probably" a fake? In all seriousness I hope that you are safe and ready to be hunkered down for a few days if the need be. I was thinking to myself how dreadful and miserable it was outside while walking my little man to school today and then realized I really needed to suck it up as things could be far worse as they appear to be forecasting for elsewhere.
  17. Indeed! Thanks for giving me some idea of how the night went down so I can live vicariously.
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