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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yeah yeah I know...that's me pretty much. Good thing I have friends with know-how and gumption
  2. Do you think this will be broadcast anywhere again?
  3. Aaah...rest in peace indeed
  4. Will do. Made it to Homegrown for Diesel Dog and really enjoyed the place and the local brews. Living in Waterloo now so a little tougher to make it to the Hammer shows but I'll be back!
  5. GA Floor! THis is going to be such an intense night!
  6. No love for the non-facebookers that tell all their friends via smoke signals? I jest... not sayin' just sayin'. Hoping to secure tickets tomorrow!
  7. Oh good ol' Le Swimming. I'm trying to think what year it would have been when I made that trek. I know I was young enough to be borrowing my mom's car and telling her I was just going to London for the night. Montreal...same thing.
  8. Hard to argue with much of that or the humility in being able to respond. Paying for plane tickets would have sucked...
  9. Yeah that made me cry straight up for multiple reasons. I would love to make a donation for shipment when the time is right. Shall I email you now or will you just let us know via here when the time is right? I "may" also have a guitar that I will look into. I gave an old one I used to play to my sister many years ago and I'm not sure if she still has it. If so I am sure she would be happy to part with it as I know she hasn't made much use of it. Thanks for all that and for re-posting. I missed this entry the first time round.
  10. Yeah that is so effin cool! Its been a pretty groundbreaking year for them
  11. McGuinty...Ford... Where have all the leaders gone...long time passing.
  12. I am very sorry for what your friend has had to go through. This reminds me very much of what happened to my step-mother. I hope that the worst it behind him.
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