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Everything posted by edger

  1. Yup amazing. Emmylou is a very pleasant surprise addition. Gord was one of the other rumoured acts I had heard about. What the hell, I'll leak the other given that it seems unlikely at this point, and we have another thread on this board already that was entirely rumour based. The other I heard as being a 'likely participant' was Robert Plant!! Actually it was presented as being an almost sure thing. But I'm skeptical. Regardless this sounds too good to miss given its almost in my backyard. It will require re-arranging some family plans. Hopefully they all will agree that this is a great alternative plan.
  2. edger

    Mamma Happy!

    I had faith this day would come. Can't wait to hear some new material!
  3. Hmmmm... Assuming the 19:00 refers to show times? How very appealing. Not sure if I can make this happen but would absolutely love to hit the Hamilton show. Still have yet to catch these guys
  4. What a great idea! Damn, no Hamilton...
  5. Yeah I found out the next morning that at one point outside he had Todd by the scruff of the neck after Todd got between him and Mark. Thankfully the 'social worker' in him was able to talk him down without any ugliness. I think you might have been involved in that 'love in' too
  6. Yup, you've written some mighty fine tunes Blair. As I said before many of them could pass as staple traditionals any day. Feel like I've been singing them for years.
  7. Damn that was fun. The whole night surpassed my expectations, and I was going in thinking it would be a great night. Loved the run of songs that Shwipping Prost played. Harmonies were great. And some great guitar work at times as well. I echo Tonin's sentiments about the Blurry Pickers. Best I've seen you guys yet I think. Looked like they were all enjoying themselves too which is always infectious for me. And I LOVED the (good kind of) tension that was on stage for the Diesel Cats collaboration too. It was the perfect mix of each of the band's flavours. And I thoroughly enjoyed the set list. I can't remember all that was played, but here's a sample: 2nd that Emotion Dead Flowers Brown Eyed Women Down in the Hole (yes Tom Waits!!) Eleanor Rigby I'm Going Down (yes Jeff Beck!!) Breadbox Hard to Handle There were more, and a couple I was unfamiliar with. The Beck and Waits tunes were probably my highlights, perhaps cause it was the first time I've heard them played live. And thanks Schwa & Elemeno for allowing us to stretch the jam out into the wee hours. A great night to be sure!
  8. Damn. I could sure use a Paul Simon fix about now. He comforts me.
  9. While I probably wouldn't lose sleep over it (especially since I don't own one) I sure as hell would rather not be tracked.
  10. I think I need to sign up to Esau's newsletter to learn how to say no.
  11. Maybe if we roll down the windows in an opposite direction while holding hands it will do the job ... Excuse me if that sounds a little dirty.
  12. Some friends say you better get your ass back in time for delfest
  13. I'll twist your arm a notch if you give mine a yank. We can start on Friday.
  14. Was first introduced to Karl at Gratefulfest four years ago. They certainly had me moving from the start. How very appealing...
  15. In my mind this 10% should still be distributed to all "friends". Would anyone have even known the difference other than they may have got shut out and had to try their luck in the general onsale? Does this ever happen for popular shows? As for the cost, too much for me this time round, but there's other variables that factor in for me. Timing, what other family commitments, shows, work demands, etc I have on the go. How long ago I saw Neil. What I'm craving musically at the moment. While I won't be putting my hand in the draw this time, I would likely pay these prices when another opportunity presents itself if the rest of the cards line up right. Although yeah, I hear you Esau on where the moneys actually flowin'. It sucks, and I know the only real way to affect change is to boycott entirely but the music is a powerful drug.
  16. Really?? Ok. Well then, this is sounding harder and harder to resist. Maybe its time to bring Rowen back to Gratefulfest. He'll just be a little harder to contain this time round, but maybe Sierrah can keep him in line.
  17. Ew. That would piss me off if I paid for that 'perk'
  18. Don't think this was posted yet! http://www.torontosun.com/entertainment/music/2011/04/13/17974851.html Tickets go onsale this friday.
  19. Nice to see there is some teeth to this rumour. Was talking with a friend that had heard about some other "big" acts, of which Lanois was one. We'll see how it pans out. I know its kind of uncool to say anything without being more specific but I just don't know how credible the info I got was. Hopefully so...This could only be the beginning of great news to come.
  20. The Beard is going to Gratefulfest??? Woah! Make sure you tell him to wear that sweet little teddy bear t-shirt of his.
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