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Everything posted by edger

  1. Ha! We can submit our petition upon departure.
  2. Getting super stoked for this show!! Three more sleeps!
  3. Awesome news. Congrats Mike. I already love a couple of those songs based on past opportunities to hear and sing them, and am VERY much looking forward to hearing the rest. Reserve a copy of one of those good ol' fashioned compacts discs for me please!
  4. Well if its who I think it is, they rallied and seemed to be having a perfectly grand old time at the show. I would have never known...
  5. Really great news Blair, I'm glad to see so many of your ideas and sentiments come to fruition in so many wonderful ways.
  6. My first Phish show in 11 years!! Was far overdue. I had a great time throughout the entire day. Didn't get as much time on the rides as I would have ideally liked, but a couple coaster rides with the price of admission? Can't go wrong with that. It was a good friend's stagette party so our platoon of ladies were in fine form and ready to rock. Many of us had pavillion seats too, but such a great crew on the grass I never made it down there. I was really impressed. The show surpassed my expectations. Dissapointed that I won't be heading to Monster's Ball... Was hoping I'd get to meet some of you Ottawa skanks for the first time, but to all of you on here that I did run into it was a pleasure as always. Just didn't want it to end...
  7. Cool. Nice work Rev. I saw an tv advert for that upcoming album, but had no idea about who was on it. Now all the more intrigued. Save me an autograph will ya?
  8. It'll be a hell of a ride that's for sure.
  9. Happy belated as well Greg. I hope all is well. Its been a while.
  10. Hoping to catch Nathan Moore at Delfest
  11. My love runneth deep for you brother MarcO. Sending you a big squeeze and hoping you're going to carve out some birthday cheer. Hope to see you soon. Unfortunately won't be making it this eve cause...well you know how its been.
  12. I didn't see anything overly sketchy in terms of "hard" drugs. Having said that I wouldn't really bring my kid to any of these bigger festivals, but mostly because I'm looking for some escapism when I go, and not around the clock responsibilities. You camp right where you park, so that's great. Tonin and I were quite the haul in terms of getting to the actual stage area so that required some preparation, which was fine. There are golf-cart taxis available too if you're in the need, but that can mean waiting in a line-up potentially too, so we pretty much always opted for the leg burn. I like the random run-ins that go along with that...
  13. An absolutely wonderful festival experience and kick-ass musical line-up!! Very hilly, so it can be a leg burner getting around, but I actually don't mind a bit of that.
  14. HCA will definitely be getting a cut from what I understand, so investment indeed. Camp-out in our backyard folks? Can almost roll home from there to our place. And I can't believe in my haste the other day that I forgot to comment on my happiness of seeing Lamongtagne as part of this bill. Every time he comes around there has been a conflict for me, so I am long overdue to absorb one of his shows. Seeing him at this venue is icing on the cake.
  15. Really wish I could go, but it is so so far away from my reality right now I will look forward to hearing about the Hamilton show from some of you fine folks
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