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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. a couple of friends of mine prepared their usual amount of gear in the usual way, both have a large tolerance and take 50mls (250 mgs) of methadone so use .6 or .7 between them, this time the girl got a third of the way down the syringe and felt similar symptoms as when you are about to 'go over'- extreme itching (unbearable) blood rush to the head, funny taste in mouth etc. after a while she had the rest of the hit and this passed off normally. this then happened to the chap same symptoms but with some face swelling. Am i right in thinking this was high levels of codeine causing this?
  2. Quest TV: The Times Bob Dylan's Dream Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll Girl Of The North Country Hard Rain Farewell Live with Joan Baez (Bob appearance at Joan's concert): Troubled And I Don't Know Why Blowin' In The Wind (incomplete) Minnesota Hotel Tape: If I had Wings Living The Blues In The Evening Long John Banjo Tape: Who You Really Are Bob Dylan's Dream Farewell All Over You Keep Your Hands Off Her (Leadbelly) Used To Do (Honey Babe) Going Back To Rome Stealin' Quest TV - Toronto, Ontario February 1, 1964 Live with Joan Baez - New York City, Forest Hills Tennis Stadium August 17, 1963 Minnesota Hotel Tape, Minneapolis, Dec. 22, 1961 Banjo Tape - (Listed as "Turner's Basement") Long thought to have come from a basement home recording by Gill Turner, it is now thought to have been recorded on February 8, 1963 at Folk City. Happy Traum sings harmony and plays the banjo (from whence the recording derived its' name). Gill Turner provides harmony on the final track.
  3. Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto, ON December 2, 1975 Disc one When I Paint My Masterpiece It Ain't Me Babe Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll Hard Rain Romance In Durango Isis Blowin' In the Wind* I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine* Mama You Been On My Mind* Dark As A Dungeon* (Merle Travis) I Shall Be Released* Disc two Mr Tambourine Man Tangled Up In Blue Oh Sister Hurricane One More Cup Of Coffee Sara Just Like A Woman Knockin' On Heaven's Door This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie) * w/ Joan Baez
  4. Disc one Phantom Engineer (1) Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (1) I Wanna Be Your Lover (2) Please Crawl Out Your Window (3) If You Gotta Go Go Now (4) I Don't Want To Be Your Partner (2) She's Your Lover Now (5) Visions Of Johanna (6) Desolation Row (7) From A Buick Six (3) Jet Pilot (2) Number One (3) Lunatic Princess Revisited (1) Midnight Train Please Crawl Out Your Window (7) Visions Of Johanna (6) Tombstone Blues (3) Queen Jane Approximately (3) Like A Rolling Stone (1) Disc two Subterranean Homesick Blues (4) You Don't Have To Do That (4) I'll Keep It With Mine (4) It's All Over Now Baby Blue (4) Love Minus Zero (4) She Belongs To Me (4) To Ramona (4/30/65, Sheffield) (8) Hattie Carroll (5/10/65, London) (8) Love Minus Zero (5/6/65, Newcastle) (8) It Ain't Me Babe (5/10/65, London) (8) IAON Baby Blue (5/10/65, RAH, London) (8) It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (9) It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)(9) (1)Highway 61 sessions - NY, June 15/16 1965 (2)First Hawks session - NY, October 20, 1965 (3)Highway 61 sessions - NY, July 30, 1965 (4)BIABH sessions, NY - January 15, 1965 (5)Blonde On Blonde sessions - January 21, 1966 (6)2nd Hawks session, NY - November 30, 1965 (7)Highway 61 sessions - NY, August 2, 1965 (8)Don't Look Back; UK tour, 1965 (9)Les Crane TV show, NY - February 17, 1965
  5. I've had the boots (The Witmark Years) that have been circulating for some years now, but it's awesome to get a legit release. October 19th Witmark Demos - Original mono recordings NPR is sharing the album for listen, check it out if ya haven't. listen here My favourite version of 'Bob Dylan's dream' is on these recordings.
  6. Thanks for the tip Brian :thumbup: How I got a free account was, a friend of mine I play poker with gets the sports package (HD) on his satellite (I think) and he pays something like $250 for the year, well he bitched enough at them about having to pay another $150+ for the internet service, since he works on the road a lot and also wanted to watch the games on his laptop so they ended up including it for free. Last year he gave it to another friend I play poker with but he hardly watched it since he ended up getting the HD package as well, so this year it's my turn.
  7. With a fat t-bone bbq'd perfectly.
  8. As a Bruins fan, I usually get to watch maybe a half dozen games a year, listen to the rest online or watch the highlights, but this year I was surprised with the best gift...a free NHL game center live account, so now I can log in and watch all the games I want (up to 4 games at once even), there is a ton of classic games to watch as well, but most importantly I get to watch all the B's I can handle. So pumped, I had to post about it and this seemed the only thread I could.. :nhl: [color:red][edit to add] Decided to watch game 3 of the 1959 Stanley Cup finals between Montreal & Toronto. Great way to enjoy a steak dinner & a cold beer.
  9. There's been a lot of talk on a few sites I frequent that it'll be Genesis - 'The lamb lies down on broadway', even before this pic surfaced. Then again, perhaps Phish decided this was a good way to throw everyone off.
  10. Caribou loins & musk ox roast on the BBQ, stuffing (made with rye, pumpernickel and white bread) with potatoes, green beans & turnip from my friend's garden, fresh homemade sour dough bread, fresh caught pickerel and homemade apple & pumpkin pie (thanks Mom). I picked the apples (northern spies) a couple weeks back at a friend's orchard in Grimsby.
  11. Esau.

    Netflix Picks

    Agreed. That's a good one, and it's available on netflix. I haven't seen anything I would really recommend to be honest, the selection is fair, at best. Aside from 'The Union' & 'Taxi Driver (2nd best movie ever made btw) all I've watched is Mad Men & Rescue Me - picking up all the episodes I've missed. Doubt I'll keep it going after the free month ends, not unless the really amp up their selections.
  12. Esau.


    Sampled a couple brews (on tap) last night from Railway City Brewing company out of St. Tomas, ON. http://www.railwaycitybrewing.com Iron Spike - Amber Ale: Not to bad, dark amber body with a fruity/carmel taste but a little on the light side for my tastes. Dead Elephant Ale (IPA): Pretty tasty overall, gold/amber body with a nice frothy head. Double Dead Elephant Ale (DIPA): I liked this one the best, body about the same color as Dead Elephant Ale, frothy head with a distinct hoppy flavour with a slight citrus taste. Went down pretty easy. Couldn't find a picture of the label though, not even at the brewers website.
  13. I love thanksgiving. The little rabbits I gave my nieces and nephews for easter are all well fed and ready for eating. Have a great weekend.
  14. Esau.

    yayyyyyy God

    It's not that I believe or don't believe in god or a "higher power" - that's a discussion I've never, and probably won't get into here, or anywhere really. It's really nobody's business but my own, just as it's none of my business what someone does or doesn't believe in. That's why I have such a problem with people who insist on pressuring or 'strong handing' their beliefs upon others. Be it religious, environmental or medical etc. On the other hand I feel that anything that gives someone hope or strength must be a good thing, on a person by person level though. What's good for me might not be good for you etc. If faith in god gives a person hope and strength, I say go with it. If it's something else, well that's cool too. I do believe however that one doesn't require any belief/faith in religion to have a good moral code and good judgment of right or wrong - We all know it's wrong to steal from someone, regardless of our religious beliefs or lack thereof. As for karma, I guess there are numerous ways to look at it, or believe in it, but from my uneducated understanding of it I suppose I don't believe it to exist in the "do bad things, bad things happen in return" vein. There's just too much going on in the world that contradicts that for my liking.
  15. Esau.

    yayyyyyy God

    Simple answer: No, god doesn't have to be the basis for morality. In my opinion anyway. My morals really have nothing to do with any religious teaching, belief or otherwise. Although, a lot of them are no doubt the same as the religious ones, but I think of it more as a human moral code (eg: don't kill, steal, and try to be kind etc). And I don't believe in karma. My days at the cancer clinic around all those children showed me it doesn't exist.
  16. Esau.


    Gave this a shot last night. Pretty tasty beer really. Smell of pumpkin right from pour, and nice amber color. Mild taste, a bit on the sweet side but the spices - nutmeg, clove and cinnamon - kinda balance it all out without being over-powering. :chug:
  17. Jorma Kaukonen Uncle Willy's Kingston, NY 06-21-86 MSC>DAT>CD-R>WAV>SHN * w/ John Hammond + w/ Rick Danko, Michael Falzarano Disc - 1: John Hammond Ride With Me My Little Queen Of Spades Jockey Blues Drop Down Mama Come Into My Kitchen Yonder's Wall Hard Times Georgia Rag Driftin & Driftin Fattening No More Frogs For Snakes I'm In The Mood For Love ? Who Do You Love Crossroad Blues Preaching Blues Disc - 2: Jorma Kaukonen Set 1 Uncle Sam Blues Hesitation Blues How Long Blues Follow The Drinking Gourd I'll Be All Right Someday Ice Age Broken Highway Trial By Fire Police Dog Blues Killing Time In The Crystal City Bright Lights, Big City* My Babe* I Just Wanna Make Love To You* Step It Up And Go* Disc - 3 Set 2 Mystery Train*+ Java Blues+ Crazy Mama+ Rock Me Baby+ Keep On Truckin'+ C.C. Rider+ Baby What You Want Me To Do+
  18. Gordon Lightfoot La Cave Cleveland Ohio 1964 or 1965 SBD The Auctioneer Turn Turn Turn The Way I Feel Song of the Groundhog Ribbon of Darkness Long River Gossip Calypso Steel Rail Blues Sixteen Miles That's What You Get For Lovin' Me Nova Scotia Farewell Get Together Echoes of the Heroes
  19. Your correct about having too much to ever listen to. Although I usually listen to the shows after I finish downloading them (at least once), the day you posted this I went through the 23 spindles of SHN/FLAC/WAV recordings I have on CDR and DVD that I've never bothered to create cases for and realized I don't listen to those bands anymore. Most I imagine I listened to once and archived. That's not including the 1500 (live recordings) or so I did create covers and put in CD cases. Most of those are Bob Dylan, GD and Gourds though. My live DVD collection is another story. Now-a-days, I'm quite content just downloading, listening and deleting since I really only do about 25 or so snail mail trades, forum vines or B&Ps a year now compared to each month like I used to. It may be time for a massive purge, or give-a-way. But first I'll need the motivation to create that list.. :dazed: Nice list btw.
  20. I dunno, I think it's a great (or "cool") video. No gimmicks, just music. Those are the videos I enjoy. I doubt you would like any from the current music I listen to then. I removed it for you. Maybe I'll re-post when you make the 'Great song, well shot video' thread.
  21. Esau.

    yayyyyyy God

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